Shahrzad Dance Academy


Baq-e Shahzadeh garden wall,
Mahan, Kerman - 19th century


August 1997
The Iranian

If I was in Iran right now and thinking about going on a trip, I'd probably pack up and go to Yazd or its twin sister, Kerman (see map).

The region's architecture has a charming modesty and simplicity that is missing in the magnificent, almost perfect, monuments of Isfahan.

The desert-colored structures in Kerman are anything but imposing. They eminate unpretentious beauty and generate a good deal of unconditional warmth.

And these are just impressions from years of looking at pictures of this quiet southeast region. Recently my interest was renewed when I saw "Kerman" -- a collection of photographs by Batoul Izadpanah published by the Culture and Islamic Guidance Office of Kerman Province (1993). Click on titles below to see sample images.

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