Who is Sahraa?
Written and directed by Hossein Fazeli (2003), 40 minutes
Wednesday June 16, 2004 9:30 PM

This is a story about Sahraa Karimi as an exile, a woman and an actor. Born in Afghanistan and raised in Iran, Karimi played a leading role in Maryam Shahriar's award-winning film "Daughters of the Sun". In December 2001, at the age of 20, Karimi arrived in Bratislava to participate in an international film festival. She also asked for political asylum. Fazeli takes it from there and tells a poetic tale of a woman trying to pull away from a very different past towards a very uncertain -- but liberating -- future. Festival index

2nd Iranian.com Film Festival
Goethe Institute
530 Bush Street
San Francisco 94108

Call 510 526 5629

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