U.N.'s Department of Humanitarian AffairsAssistance may be channelled through DHA-Geneva or the Office of the UN Coordinator in Tehran. A report on the utilization of the assistance will be prepared indicating separately the use of each donation. Further information can be obtained through the UN Coordination Office in Tehran, Mr. H. R. Ghaffarzadeh, Tel: +98 21 873 15 80, Fax: +98 21 873 88 64.
Funds channelled through DHA for the immediate relief phase will be spent in coordination with the relevant organizations of the UN system, and DHA provides donor Governments with written confirmation on their use.
Funds should be transferred to DHA account No. CO-590.160. at Swiss Bank Cooperation, POB 2770, CH-1211 Geneva 2, with reference. Iran earthquake/South Khorasan, DHA-Geneva.
For coordination purposes, donors are requested to inform DHA-Geneva of bilateral pledges, contributions and other activities, indicating the corresponding value by item.
Telephone No. +41-22-917.12.34
In case of emergency only: Tel. +41-22-917.20.10
Desk Officers: Ms. S. Metzner-Strack, Tel. 41-22-917.21.44,
Mr. T. Peter, Tel. 41-22-917.31.43
Press to contact: Ms. Moulin-Acevedo, Direct Tel. +41-22-917.28.56
Telex: 414242 DHA CH
Fax: +41-22-917.00.23