Word roots
About the "Khiyaar
Chambar" article, I don't know if the authors of the piece were
serious or not, because some of the word roots were pretty ridiculuous.
If they were serious in thinking that all those words have Persian roots,
then I think I have to make some points.
Some of the words mentioned have Persian roots, but a great many are
not Persian, but Indo-Iranian. For instance Chemistry actually comes
from Al-chemy which comes from "Al Kimiyaa." Daughter is not
actually dokhtar nor father is pedar and so on. They all come from a similar
Indo-European root. So, daughter is not a derivative of dokhtar, rather
they both are a derivative of dogtir.
I actually found your "khar" and "car" relation
rather interesting. But again, mush and mouse are from the same root, mysh,
but mouse is not derived from mush! Cow and gaav come from kuo, devil
and div are related, but in another way.
Devil is a compund word made up of the followings: dev+il. Dev, as
you said, is div, which in ancient Persian as well as in Latin meant god
(dieu in modern French). IL is a suffix for anti. SO devil is not exactly
div, but "anti-div."
Cobra comes from Indian word cobra, itself related to Persian "kabche."
It is not Arabic though, Kobra Khanoom has nothing to do with snakes!
Cucumber is actually interesting! As for provider and parvardegaar, although
"provide" and "parvardag" have the same root, this
one is too ambitious.
Pajamas is paa jaameh but look at the Oxford roots, and they claim
it is a Hindi word! Yeah, Payi Jaama Kertahi! As for "gas",
"gaaz" and "gooz", we got gaaz from gas, and the other
one I prefer not to speak about!
Congress comes from kongereh? That's backwards again! Congress was
a Latin word that entered Persian.
Khodadad Rezakhani