Sprint Long Distance

The Iranian


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Sehaty Foreign Exchange


September 1, 2000

Tired of films with poor kids

In browsing Iranian web sites, I've read many articles or postings were Iranians cheer in joy and pride over these "new" movies coming out of Iran ["Not THAT good"]. I feel that the main reason for this excitement is the fact that they have performed well at Western festivals and Western newspapers have liked them. It's like...oh suddenly Iranians are not just religious fanatics and terrorists (the legacy of the Islamic Republic).

I really enjoyed several of these films:

1) Color of Paradise
2) Gabeh
3) Moment of Innocence (Noon va goldoon)

But if we really think about movies like "Children of heaven", "Apple", etc. , you see all these miserably poor kids, doing incredible things so that they can buy a god damn "shoe" or "watch". I'm sorry but I can't sit there and watch a movie where all women are covered by a chador all the time and you hardly can see their faces. I'm also getting tired of seeing misery and suicidal people...etc.

It doesn't represent my reality and it doesn't inspire me... it just reminds me how awful things still are in Iran.

Iranian movies at the time are limited by what the Islamic Republic allows.... and that means that the storyteller has very little space to maneuver and express itself. No wonder all these movies are so similar.

Although some Westerners are interested in these movies... the truth is that the average Joe, doesn't even know they exist. In fact, very few get released on DVD.

I would like to see an uplifting movie, with little misery and no sousk in it!

Dario Margeli


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