December 13 2000
Unfairly burnt
I was very surprised to see the print that letter from iraani
a Black man?!!"]. Although I completely agree with both T.R. and
J.J.'s points of view ["Drawing
the line"], I do hope that the letter was first brought to the
attention of Maryam
and Daryl before it was published.
If they gave their consent, then it was a positive step in bringing
up and discussing the ever present and important issue of race amongst
Iranians. If they did not know about it; then they will surely and unfairly
feel the burnt by this controversial issue.
I hope good education and upbringing will teach people like "iraani"
to be comfortable and secure enough with themselves so that they won't
have to denounce and destroy anything and anyone that may be a little different
than them.
Keyvan Kazemi