March 6, 2000
Seven sisters
A new phase of "Dowom e khordad" is unfolding, which is a
calculated attack on the "Bonyads" or various charity fundations
supported by the state's annual budget. Recently President Khatami asked
Bonyad e Mostazafan to start a "self critique." A deputy of the
Behzisti Organization also criticized openly the Bonyad e Emdad e Emam
Discussing the social ills in Iran, M.A. Talebi announced that the organization
receives 250 billion tomans a year from the government without being accountable
to anyone. The chief of the organization by the way is the infamous Habibollah
Asgar Owladi!
The next day or so Ayatollah Khamenei, giving a speech to the chief
and managers of the same organization, admired its activities saying it
has given alms to the poor "and helping the poor financially can sometimes
save their faith!"
There are seven major autonomous foundations in Iran which are accountable
to no one. They are nominally related to the Office of the Leader. Among
these foundations, the Foundation for the Oppressed (Mostazafan) has over
10 billion dollars in assets.
Rasool Nafisi