May 15, 2000
Don't distort my words
In response to K.
Hoseini: I had earlier told another person that I did not mean that
the war was created by the mollas, I simply said it was spurred on in unneccesary
ways, such as the employment of children, which in any event or stage of
war is a crime against your own. The war was started by Saddam Hussein
over issues of control over the Shatt Al Arab, control of Khuzestan, and
various other reasons, but mainly because the U.S. was playing a heavy
role in acting through Hussein.
I respect and pay tribute to the countless Iranians who lost their lives
in the war defending our country. it is the means I have a problem with.
That aside, you say that the constitution of Iran is democratic. It is.
Are these rights being protected? No. Perhaps for right-wing Islamic mollas,
who are not only concerned with monopolizing religious interpretation but
also filling their pockets with the money of the people and silencing those
who speak up for democracy. Have you read what these hardliners are saying?
And no, I rarely watch CNN. I'm more interested with news that comes
out of Iran. These people have said outright: Enemies of Islam should all
be killed. I hardly think that comes down to monopolizing religious interpretation.
You champion Khomeini so easily because he didn't actually pick up a
gun himself, but spoke through his subordinates and told them to carry
out the deeds. This even brings me back to my point about the war, in which
he created an extremely persuasive sentiment to prolong the war for religious
reasons and not for self defense, and you are blind if you cannot see that.
And finally, what the hell does driving on the right side of the street
or killing someone who doesn't give you a seat on the bus have to do with
freedom? If killing people and not abiding by the rules of common sense
is also considered freedom, then I guess Iran, at least through these mollas
and their basijes, is one of the freest country on earth. I suppose raping
a six-year-old girl is freedom to you too.
Don't distort my words. I wasn't in Iran for reasons totally unrelated
to the revolution, and it was only a matter of returning that has held
me back. So don't give me these smug asshole remarks about me deserting
my country. Some of our situations are different from yours. I guess you
left later than those who initially left because of the oven temperature,
huh? A real patriot to stay in your country.
Maziar Shirazi