October 20, 2000
Obligation to Iranians first, not Palestinians
Iran is facing her most critical of times. But the way our elected and
non-elected officials and other self-appointed guardians are viewing the
Middle East crisis, makes me wonder ["Crooked
Iran's population has nearly doubled in the past twenty some years.
The majority of the 67 million Iranians are under the age 25, which means
even faster population growth in the near future. That also means the majority
will be over 70 years old in 50 years, which means great heath care and
social security issues. There are over 19 million students who will be
demanding jobs once they are out of school, just like the current millions
of unemployed.
Addicts are in the millions and the daily narcotics usage in Tehran
is measured in tons. The violent crime level is at its highest, 30 rape/murders
in the past six months in Tehran alone. There are more refugees living
in Iran than any other country in the world. Pakistan is our neighbor to
the east with the Islamic Bomb. Afghanistan's Taliban rulers make our Ayatollahs
look like a walk in the park.
All sorts of discriminations and dealing with corruption in Iran are
as routine as going to work everyday. Our big cities are getting bigger
and more polluted every day and the environment is not protected the way
it should be. Education policies change so often, students can't figure
out what to expect next. Students are more involved in demonstrations than
education. Reformist papers are shut down and opposition leaders are locked
up. The election process is anything but democratic, and the judicial system
is far from just.
On top of all this, in the past twenty some years, we have heard our
top officials talk more about the problems of the Palestinians and Lebanese
than our own problems. Not a day that goes by without a comment relating
to the Palestinians' struggle or Hizbollah's Jihad. Extremists with their
papers and loud speakers cry out for them, day and night. The military
schools decorate graduating officers with the symbolic Palestinian shall.
The amount of money collected from the poor people of Iran to help Hizbollah's
cause or the Palestinian leadership is astounding. The massive population
of young Iranians, while disconnected from their own set of values, is
encouraged to emulate Palestinian youth.
I hope some day soon the Palestinian struggle comes to a fair and peaceful
end. I hope some day soon Iranian officials realize, above all, their obligation
to the people of Iran.
Hamid K.