The Iranian


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Sehaty Foreign Exchange


February 5, 2001

Expected better judgement

Thank you for your coverage of Marziyeh in this weeks music section. It certainly brought back lots of memories listening to her glorious voice.

However, I was saddened and sorry to learn that she has been singing for the Mojahedin Khalq. I was aware that she had joined them butu you'd have thought by now she would know what they are all about and would have left them if only to save her own dignity.

I know that everyone has a right to his/her opinion and quite rightly too but I am amazed that after all this time so many of our countrymen haven't learned from the past and indeed haven't learned from the actions of this despotic, anti-democratic, and murdering organisation.

I had certainly expected much more from someone like Marziyeh but am left feeling very disappointed.

Masood M.


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