February 15, 2001
Shah's mistake: Didn't shoot rebels
I normally don't respond to a bunch of anti-Shah people who after 22
years still blame the late Shah for everything that went wrong with Iran.
The article by Fariba Amini ["Thy
father's sins"] and many others refer to "mistakes"
that the Shah made. It is very easy to refer to mistakes of others but
not your own.
Frankly, most current and former supporters of the current regime would
like to forget that they were totally fooled by the myth of a so-called
Islamic republic and supported it from the bottom of their hearts. They
never questioned the so-called Iman and gave 100% support to him. Because
of their lack of vision, about one million Iranians lost their lives.
On the other hand, the late Shah had these people, including those who
are now in charge of Iran, in jail on many charges. Time has proven him
right. Fariba Amini and others forced him to release them and we all are
paying the price for it.
In my view, people like Fariba Amini have no right whatsoever to make
any comment about the future of our country. Oh, they will argue it, but
too bad.
The late Shah was a gift that my countrymen never understood. I will
agree that he was weak in one aspect and guilty of one crime and that was
not to shoot the rebels and their supporters when he could.
Khosrow Moniri