Letters April 2005
What do you know about Islam?In response to Sanaz Fotoohi's "Your loss", on Tasooa-Ashoora in Iran: Ms. Fotouhi, I often wonder why people like yourself who are so "in love" with Arab religious figures who lived thousands of years ago, choose to live in the West ??? I mean, you blame everything on the West, yet you continue to re-locate to western countries. Why don't you for example return to Iran and make it your duty to "save" the Iranian youth from satellite television and the " abyss of miseries" as you put it ??? or better yet, move to Saudi Arabia and study the "real Islam" ???!!! you can also take vacations in Southern Lebanon and practice freely your shia religion !!!! Having faith and believing in a supreme being is one thing and following organized religion (especially blindly) is another. Have you ever read the Qoran ??? Do you know anything about the Law of Sharia ???? Do you know that the laws of Islam degrade and humiliate women ??? Do you know that your husband has the right to BEAT you (whether or not he practices that right is irrelevant !!!)... do you know that you get half the inheritance of a man...do you know that your testimony is not valid unless accompanied by another woman's...do you know that a man can have 4 wives and if he's lucky enough to be a Shia, he may have as many "temporary marriages" as he pleases (in other words prostitution made legal) !!!! Do you know that regardless of how smart, educated and able a woman maybe, she may never be a judge ???? Mrs. Shirin Ebadi was a judge before the revolution. Did you know that ??? The government doesn't allow her to practice as a judge, not because they don't like her !!! But because it's Islamic Law !!!! Yet the world has given her the Nobel Peace Prize !!!! Do you see how women are treated in Islamic countries ??? Don't say that's not the real Islam, because again if you had read the Qoran & Sunnah (as the Arabs call it), then you would know that's exactly how women are suppose to be treated. Islam is a religion that was brought by an Arab for the Arabs. It was brought for a savage population that used to bury its daughters alive !!!! The "Ali" that some Iranians so fondly talk about, was alone responsible for the death of thousands of Iranians...how do you think we became muslims ???? not by choice, I assure you. The Arabs murdered our men, raped and enslaved our women and stole our riches... You refer to the youth inside Iran. The "revolution kids" as they are referred to, are as far away from religion as you can get. As a matter of fact, I just read an article on CNN.com (2/28/05) that stated how outraged the hard-liners in Iran had been because the Iranian youth had used the Shiite Islam's most sacred mourning day as an oppotunity to hang out and flirt !!! BBC Persian on-line even has pictures to prove it !!! Mohammad, their so-called "Messenger of God" became engaged to a 7 year-old when he was in his late 50's and then married her when she turned 9 !!!! There are many Hadithes that show how shocked Aisha's father, Abu Bakr was by such a request. After all he was a foster brother to Mohammad, which would have made this marriage illicit. But Mohammad dismissed his concern saying they were not real blood brothers & their oath of brotherhood was of no relevance in this case !!!! Yet, he did use the same excuse to reject the daughter of Hamza, who was also a foster brother because she was not pretty !!!! Abu Bakr was already a follower of Mohammad and was not particularly wealthy, so the marriage wasn't based on politics, etc as some have suggested in order to justify this perversity. Now tell me, how does a sixty year-old man become sexually attracted to a 7 year-old, no matter how pretty she maybe ???? Pedophilia comes to mind, doesn't it ????
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