The Crisis in Iran
Darius Rejali Professor of Political Science, Reed College
Goudarz Eghtedari, Iranian Human Rights Working Group - U.S.A
Noon-1:30 pm, Wednesday, August 25, 1999
The Governor Hotel, SW 10th and Alder
Portland, Oregon
Lunch and Program: $15 Members, $20 Guests
Iran is in turmoil again with students protesting delays in democratic
reform and violent treatment by police. 65% of Iran's population is under
25 - have Iran's clerical leaders lost sway with the generation born after
the 1979 revolution? Is the unrest about political freedom or the absence
of jobs or any real prospects for work? And what role are women playing
in the movement toward democracy?
Professor Rejali is head of the Political Science Department at Reed.
His courses include Comparative Revolutions and Iran and American Social
Science. Mr. Eghtedari is a civil engineer and chair of the Steering Committee
of the Iranian Human Rights Working Group in the U.S.
Please Reserve Early. Seating is Limited. Parking: SmartPark, SW 10th
and Morrison, $.95/hr. To reserve, mail this form and payment to World
Affairs Council, 620 SW Main, Ste 333, Portland OR 97205, or register with
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