The Third Biennial Conference on Iranian Studies
May 25-28, 2000, Bethesda Hyatt Regency, Bethesda, MD
Sponsored by The American Institute of Iranian Studies (AIIrS)
The Society for Iranian Studies (SIS), The American Institute of Iranian
Studies (AIIrS) and the Society for Iranian Studies (SIS) are pleased to
announce the Third Biennial Conference on Iranian studies to be held in
Bethesda, Maryland, May 25-28, 2000. Building on the success of the Second
Biennial Conference in 1998, the conference aims to further enhance academic
research into all areas of Iranian Studies covering all historical periods.
The Washington, D.C. area has been selected once again as the site of the
Conference because of its centrality and in order to emphasize the continuity
of this conference with the previous ones. All efforts will be made to
ensure the diversity of the various facets of Iranian Studies and the plurality
of research approaches and methodologies. The organizers will try as much
as possible to enlist the cooperation of scholars residing in Europe, Iran,
Central Asia, the Indian subcontinent and elsewhere. A program committee
has been set up to review the abstracts submitted, and a "Call for
Papers" has also been issued. (see below).
The Program Committee welcomes contributions in all aspects of Iranian
studies, including established academic disciplines such as art and archeology,
art history, architecture, sociology, arts and crafts, history, politics
and diplomacy, philosophy and religion, languages and literatures, anthropology
and folklore studies, economics and economic history, women's studies and
others. In addition, it looks forward with particular attention to receiving
contributions in new areas of investigation and/or novel approaches to
the more traditional fields. Contributions from areas which may not have
received deserved attention in the previous conferences will be especially
welcome. To inform potential participants about the conference, the planning
process, and the various aspects of the program, Society for Iranian Studies
will present up-to-date information at its web site. A more detailed progress
report will be presented at the SIS and AIIrS meetings to be held in conjunction
with the 1999 annual conference of the Middle East Studies Association
(MESA), in Washington D. C. November 19-22, 1999. Periodic reports will
also be published in the future issues of the SIS Newsletter. A preliminary
version of the Conference Proceedings (including a list of prospective
panels and papers, exhibitions and other events and activities) will be
featured in the SIS Newsletter in February 2000. The final Conference Program
will be made available to all the registered participants as part of the
registration packet.
The deadline for the submission of abstracts is September 30, 1999,
but earlier submissions are urged strongly. All individuals interested
in attending the conference are required to register for the conference
and to make their reservations in advance, beginning in October 1999. All
participants must fill out a registration form and send it to SIS Executive
Secretary (the form is available
Registration fee has been set as follows: pre-registration: $35 individual,
$45 family, $25 student; on site registration: $50 individual, $65 family,
$25 student. All fees are non-refundable and must be paid be by credit
card, checks or money orders to SIS. To make hotel reservation, contact
Hyatt Regency Hotels directly at 1-800-233-1234 or the official conference
site at the following address: Bethesda Hyatt Regency One Bethesda Metro
Center Bethesda, MD 20814 U. S. A. Tel: (301) 657-1234 Fax: (301) 657-6478
For all other questions or inquiries, contact SIS Executive Secretary.