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Iranian FM receives new UN drug official for Iran

TEHRAN, May 26 (AFP) - Iranian Foreign Minister Kamal Kharazi received Wednesday the new UN Drug Control Program chief for Iran, who presented his letter of accreditation, the official IRNA news agency said.

Antonio Mazittelli said Iran is a priority for UNDCP projects and he expressed pleasure with his mission here.

Kharazi said, "The problem of narcotics is a global one, and Iran's fight in this sphere also benefits the Europeans."

He added he hoped that the establishment of the UNDCP office in Tehran will promote cooperation in fighting narcotics.

The Vienna-based agency has several regional offices in the world and national offices in countries it considers key: Colombia, Nigeria, Laos, Bolivia, Brazil, Peru and now Iran.

UN drugs chief Pino Arlacchi said in January: "The decision to establish a country office in Tehran was taken in recognition of the crucial role played by the Islamic Republic of Iran in the common fight against illict drugs."

Anti-narcotics units announced the seizure of about 200 tonnes of drugs in Iran every year.

The country is used as a transit point for drugs from producers in Pakistan and Afghanistan to markets in the Gulf, Europe and Central Asia.


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