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Culture Minister wants more schools instead of mosques

TEHRAN, Oct 18 (Reuters) - Iran's liberal culture minister said on Monday it would be more useful to build schools and technical institutes in the Islamic country instead of yet more mosques, state television reported.

"In some city areas several mosques have been built across from each other. If, instead of one of these mosques, a technical college or industrial institute were built...many jobless youths would find employment," the televison quoted Atatollah Mohajerani as saying.

Mohajerani, known for candid remarks which have provoked attacks by Islamic hardliners, was speaking at a seminar on Moslem endowments that build many mosques and schools.

A senior education official said on Sunday that Iran had a shortage of 250,000 classrooms for its school children, who make up almost a third of its population of more than 60 million.


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