Silent rally to protest press crackdown
Shahrvand Publications
Toronto, Canada
As I am certain you are aware, a major offensive and crack down against
pro-reform journalist and publications has started in Iran. The conservatives
begun their assault in advance of yet another expected setback for the
second round of parliamentary elections.
Over the past two weeks, sixteen independent papers have been banned.
Several prominent journalists have been summoned, interrogated and arrested
on vague charges. The Iranian community of Toronto is extremely concerned
about these events, the safety of those under arrest and the stealth coup
led by the Supreme Leader and carried out by his Revolutionary Guards.
To express our concern, we have organized a silent rally to take place
on Wednesday, May 10th at 6:30 PM. We will assemble at the Globe &
Mail building, marching towards the offices of the Toronto Star and stopping
at the CBC building. Various prominent personalities, writers and journalists
of Canada have sponsored the event and will be present to address the rally.
It would be a great pleasure and a sure sign of solidarity if you or
one of your colleagues representing your organization could also join us.
We expect the arrested journalists and banned publications to greatly benefit
from any expression of international solidarity and support and hope that
you can help us in this effort.
If you have any questions or would like additional details, please do
not hesitate to contact the undersigned at above numbers.
Hassan Zerehi Shahrvand
Publisher & Editor-in-chief
VP. Iranian Writers in Exile
PEN Center