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Iranian scholarship winners
In northern California

Dear Iranian Student Lovers,

I am pleased to announce the following winners of this years Socity of Iranian Professionals' Scholarship Award in northern California. Congratulates to this great students, we all proud of you. And many thanks for SIPs scholarship committee, board of directors, officers, volunteers and all SIP supporters, who made this scholarship possible.

Mazdak Rooein
SIP President

Graduate Category:

1st Place: Mousa Ketabchi Memorial Scholarship: $1,500 Award Nouzhan Sehati, 4rd year Medicine student at UCSF.

2nd Place: $750 Elham Sedaghatinia, Graduate in Computer Graphics at Academy of Art College in SF

Runner-up: Maryam Hafezi, 2nd year, MS in Physiological/Research Psychology, San Francisco State University

Runner-up: Niaz Kasravi, 4rd year Ph.D. in Criminology, Law & Society, at UC Irvine

Undergraduate Category:

1st Place: $1, 000 Nahal Lalehfar, 3rd year undergraduate Molecular & Cellular Biology, University of California, Berkeley

1st Place: $1,000 Leila Estaki, second BS in Industrial Design at San Jose State University

2nd Place: $750 Lilly Irani, 2nd year underg. Computer Science at Stanford University

Runner up: Haleh Mousavi, 2nd year underg. Architecture at De Anza College 408-507-1110

High School/Freshman Category:

Winner: $500 Ladan Mohebbi, Freshman in Chemistry, University of California, Berkeley

Runner-up: Khorshid Rahmani-Nejad, last year at Saint Michael's High School in New Mexico

SIP Scholarship Procedure: The scholarship committee received 34 applications for SIP scholarship this year. The committee designed a point system so they can evaluate the applications objectively. Points were based on Application and Statements, Recommendations, Locality, Community Involvement, and GPA.


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