Student leader summoned
June 15, 2000 (The Public Relations of the Islamic Association of University
Students and Alumni) -- Mr. Heshmatollah Tabarzadi is summoned to court!
Mr. Hesmatollah Tabarzadi, the Secretary General of the Islamic Association
of University Students and Alumni [of Iran], has been charged and summoned
to court at 10 a.m. on Saturday, June 19, 2000, by the 26th branch of the
revolutionary court.
It is notable that the [nature and/or details] of the charges against
him are yet unknown! Moreover, beginning 2 weeks ago, more than 15 leaders
of the student movement and the United Student Front have been summoned
to and/or arrested by the revolutionary court.
More information is forthcoming.
About Iran received and translated the above statement from the Islamic
Association of University Students and Alumni. Please circulate this statement
as widely as possible. For more Information or to subscribe to Persian
publications of About Iran, please contact:
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