Call for Papers on "Dialogue of Iranians"
With respect to the importance of the cultural, social and scientific
activities of Iranians living abroad, who form part of the Iranian society,
the first seminar to study and identify problems of Iranians living abroad,
entitled "Dialogue of Iranians" is to be held in mid-July.
Interested parties are invited to submit a paper on the topics below:
-- Iranians abroad and the preservation of national and religious heritage
(the Persian language, social culture, etc.)
-- The mutual expectations of the government and Iranians living abroad
(the desired Iran from the view point of Iranians abroad, how to reflect
domestic developments abroad, the government's role in creating the grounds
for the participation of expatriates in the country's development, etc.)
-- Elements strengthening and weakening solidarity among Iranian expats
(historical, cultural, economic, political, and other elements)
-- The cultural and social problems of Iranians abroad (the effects
of immigration on the family, Iranian youth in a foreign land, the problems
of the second and third generations, etc.)
All articles should be received at the address below by 20 June 2000.
Selected articles will be presented to the seminar and also printed in
the conference proceedings.
If a paper is accepted, the conference organizers will pay for travel
expenses. Given the large demand for participation in this event, it is
requested that those who would like to attend contact the conference secretariat
for details by 20 June, 2000.
Secretariat of Seminar on Dialogue of Iranians
Department for Cultural Affairs of Iranians Abroad
Organization of Islamic Culture & Communications (Ministry of Ershad)
Opposite Tehran Mosalla
Resalat Expressway
Mailing Address:
PO Box 15655-191, Tehran, Iran
Tel: (9821) 8153704-7
Fax: (9821) 8842339