Signatures in support of Eshkevari
From: Arien Mack <>
Hamid Dabashi and I have written a statement about Hojatoleslam Eshkevari,
for which we are gathering signatures. I am attaching the letter below,
along with the list of those who have already signed, and I hope you will
post it so that those who do not send a letter of their own may add their
support to this one.
Thank you,
Arien Mack
Editor of Social Research Marrow
Professor of Psychology
New School University
Hamid Dabashi
Associate Professor of Iranian Studies
Columbia University
Hojatoleslam Eshkevari, a courageous and outspoken Iranian cleric, is
threatened with possible execution following yet another illegal, closed
door trial in which he was not permitted legal representation. The charges
that have been brought against Mr. Eshkevari include: acting against the
national security of the country, engaging in propaganda against the Islamic
Republic of Iran, denying the basic fundamentals of Islam, damaging the
prestige of the religious clergy, and insults and accusations against government
officials. Particularly troubling are the charges of "heresy"
("ertedad"), "corrupter on Earth" ("mofsed-e fe'l-arz"),
and "war against God and his prophet" ("mohareb").
These charges carry an automatic death sentence in the Islamic Republic.
While Mr. Eshkevari is the political prisoner now most at risk, there
are many others as well who have been denied their basic civil rights.
We call on the good offices of the Secretary General of the United Nations
and the UN High Commissioner to call on the Iranian Ambassador to the Unted
Nations, Mr. Hadi Nezhad Hosseinian, immediately and convey to him the
deep concern of world citizens for the life of Mr. Eshkevari and the others
now in prison and in immanent danger.
Any formal charges against Mr. Eshkevari must be presented in an open
court that meets every international standard of legal procedures and allows
him full legal representation. The world cannot stand by as the Islamic
Republic so flagrantly and repeatedly violates the most fundamental civil
rights of its citizens.
1. Ervand Abrahamian, Distinguished Professor of History, City
University of New York
2. Mahnaz Afkhami, Director, Learning Partnership
3. Mehrzad Boroujerdi, Associate Professor of Political Science,
Syracuse University
4. Nada Elia, Scholar in Residence, Afro-American Studies, Pembroke
Center for Teaching and Research on Women
5. Eva Hoffman, Writer
6. Gerald Holton, Dept. of Physics, Harvard University
7. Nicholas Humphrey, Centre for Philosophy of Natural and Social
Science, London School of Economics
8. Carolyn Kahn, Associate Director, King Juan Carlos I of Spain
Center, New York University
9. Ira Katznelson, Ruggles Professor of Political Science and History,
Columbia University
10. Jeri Laber, Association of American Publishers
11. Ali Akbar Mahdi, Associate Professor of Sociology, Ohio Wesleyan
12. Ann Elizabeth Mayer, The Wharton School, University of Pennsylvania
13. Robert Pinsky, Boston University
14. David Plotke, Associate Professor and Chair, Department of Political
Science, New School University
15. Gayatri Chakravorty Spivak, Avalon Foundation Professor in the
Humanities at Columbia University
16. Dr. Linda Walbridge, Visiting Professor, Lahore University of
Management Sciences, Lahore, Pakistan
17. Hamid Zangeneh, Ph.D., Professor of Economics, Widener University
18. Vera L. Zolberg, Senior Lecturer, Sociology Department, New
School University