Iranian Academic Association conference
Dear colleague:
It is a great pleasure to invite you to submit papers for the 4th IAA
(Iranian Academic Association) Annual Conference. The meeting will convene
at the City University of New York, New York City, on September 18-19,
1999. The theme of this scientific gathering has been chosen as: Oil,
Petrochemicals, Energy and the Environment. (For details and contact information
download document)
This conference will provide avenues to maximize the collaboration of
researchers, scientists, engineers, planners, technologists, and specialists
in various areas of these particular fields. The importance of these topics
stems from the ongoing dramatic and often fast moving changes in scientific
as well as geopolitical dimensions of oil, petrochemical, energy industries
and their impact on the environment in recent years and well into the new
We will be planning to hold a cultural program and a social gathering
to provide ample opportunities to meet other participating colleagues
including distinguished Iranian speakers from Iran and all around the world.
The deadline for submission of abstracts (50-200 words) to the technical
chairperson of the Conference is April 25, 1999.
Authors of the accepted papers will be requested to submit the completed
version of their papers for inclusion in the conference proceeding by July
17, 1999. The technical program, details of social and cultural events,
registration and the hotel information for participants, spouses and guests
will be mailed out by August 21, 1999.
I am confident that this conference will be a landmark event in the
joint academic and industrial collaboration of the Iranian scholars. This
opportunity also aims at increasing the momentum for a better understanding
between the Iranians and the world community.
The scientific interactions and the collegial communication of all Iranian
specialists would promote the reemergence of the glorious Iranian civilization
in the new century. The organizing committee and I are looking forward
to meeting you at the conference. Please contact the committee members
for further information and assistance. (For details and contact information
download document)
With best regards,
Dr. Mahmoud M. Khojasteh,
General Chairperson