Iranian-Americans: Who Are We Becoming?
For further information, contact: 301-656-IACA,,
or conference coordinator at
The Iranian-American Cultural Association (IACA) of the Washington,
DC area will sponsor a conference entitled "Iranian-Americans: Who
Are We Becoming?," to be held at Georgetown University on Saturday,
17 April 1999, 2:00-6:00 pm. (See schedule & speakers
Since the revolution of 1978-79, Iranians have migrated in unprecedented
numbers to the United States, yet few practitioners and scholars have analyzed
this phenomenon. This dialogue -- one of the first of its kind in the
country -- will feature experts from various disciplines who shall examine
how Iranians living in the United States are constructing their identity
and adapting to the experience of immigration.
Significantly, this dialogue will engage not only the experts but also
members of the Iranian(-American) community who are invited to address
such questions as: How do Iranians living in the US perceive their identity?
How do they raise their children in a new and unfamiliar culture? How
do they and their children fare professionally and socio-economically?
How do Iranians contribute to American society? In short, are Iranians
in the US becoming "Iranian-Americans" -- a community of immigrants
integrating into mainstream American life?
A non-profit organization founded in 1993 and disavowing political activities,
the IACA provides a uniquely constructive forum for raising these concerns.
The IACA's sponsorship of this dialogue is in keeping with its efforts
to celebrate Iranian culture in the US. Indeed, this meeting will illumuniate
the experiences of Iranian immigrants as relative newcomers and contributors
to this multi-cultural society. The IACA shall host a reception after
the dialogue, offering those in attendance the opportunity to meet the
You may purchase tickets in advance until 6:00 pm on Thursday, 15 April
* Non-members, $15.00 conference, $20.00 with reception.
* Members, $10.00 conference, $15.00 with reception.
* Students (with valid ID card), $5.00 conference, $10.00 with reception.
1:30-2:00 pm:
Coffee & registration.
2:00-2:05 pm:
Welcoming Remarks by Haleh Vaziri.
2:05-3:30 pm:
Panel 1
- Iranians in the US: Exile or Immigrant?
* Mehdi Bozorgmehr, City University of New York
-- "Iranians in the United States: Assessing the Past and Looking
* Dr. Habib Vaziri, St. Joseph Mercy Hospital; Birmingham, MI
-- "Psychological Aspects of Migration: How Iranians Are Adapting
to Their New `Home'."
* Mohammad Chaichian, Mount Mercy College; Iowa City, IA
-- "The Color of Our Skin: Is There Prejudice and Discrimination Against
* Rasool Nafisi, Strayer College; Manassas, VA
-- Moderator
3:30-3:45 pm:
3:45-5:15 pm:
Panel 3
- Raising the Iranian-American Family: Challenges and Trends?
* Ali Akbar Mahdi, Ohio Wesleyan University
-- "Transferring the Iranian Culture: Myths and Realities."
* Tara Bahrampour, Princeton University
-- "Should We Stay or Should We Go?: Deciding to Return to Iran from
America 20 Years After the Revolution."
* Shideh Hanassab, UCLA
-- "Young Iranian Immigrant and Existing Double Standards: Sexuality,
Dating, and Marriage."
* Jahanshah Javid, Publisher, The Iranian
-- Moderator.
5:15-5:20 pm, Break.
5:20-6:00 pm, Facilitated Dialogue - Looking to the Future: Who Are We?
Are We Becoming?
Reception to follow at Location to be Disclosed.