The Iranian Woman at the Threshold of the Year 2000
The Tenth International Conference of the Iranian Women's Studies Foundation
presents: The Iranian Woman at the Threshold of the Year 2000 - July 2-5,
1999 Montreal, Canada Concordia University
(All presentations are in Persian unless otherwise specified)
The March of the Year 2000 (in French) Francoise David (Canada)
Kurdist and Panel:
* The Kurdish Immigrant Woman and Bi-Cultural Conflicts
Mariam Afrasiabpour (Sweden)
* Kurdish Women and Feminism Monireh Moftizadeh & Nahid Bahmani
* The situation of Women in Kurdistan, Iraq. (in Kurdish) Sawsan Salim
* Women Non Governmental Organizations in Iran Nooshin Ahmady Khorasany
* The Character of Oppression on Women in Iran Azar Derakhshan (Germany)
* The Impact of the Situation of the Iranian Women on Afghan Refugee
Women Nastaran Moosavi
* Celebrating Twenty Years of Feminism Shahin Navai (Germany)
* The Identity Crisis and the Position of Iranian Women Afsaneh Hojabri
* Cultural Politics of the Women's Movement in Iran Hammed Shahidian
* The Left and the Question of Women Vida Hadjebi Tabrizi (France)
* Women and Religion Touran Azem (Sweden)
* The Women's Movement in Iran: Perspectives and Demands Azam Kamguian
* The Price of Freedom Maria Rashidi (Sweden)
* The Tale of "Auntie Roach": Reflection of Domestic Violence
in Persian Culture
Massomeh Fereshteh Namavar
Arts Program:
* Los Angeles and I (1982-2000)
A one woman show written, directed and performed by Shohreh Aghdashlou
* The Life Of Ghamar Molouke Vaziri
Play written and directed by Akbar Yadegari (Germany) Music: M. Derakhshani
Performers: Mahvash Bargi, Farhad Farnia, Reza Kaveh, Akbar Yadegari
* Art Exhibition
* Networking Amongst Iranian Women's Organizations
The proceedings of this conference will be published in the Journal
of the Iranian Women's Studies Foundation
Ticket information:
All rates are in Canadian $. Credit cards are not accepted.
Full Registration (all conference): $100 pre-regisrtation $120 at conference
Students with valid ID: $80 Pre-reg $100 at conference
Groups (20): $80 per person (Registration deadline 6/1/99)
Daily Registration: $40 Pre-reg $45 at conference
Evening Registration: $15 Pre-reg $20 at conference
Please assist us by pre-registering. Your financial donations are tax
PO Box 354 Station "H"
Montreal, QC Canada H3G 2L1
Tel: 514-735-7776 514-421-1297
Fax: 514-934-9912