Three years later
Reformist students rally at Tehran University
By Siamak Namazi
May 22, 2000
The Iranian
Photos here
Some 3000 students marked the third anniversary of President Khatami's
election at Tehran University today, listening to speeches by and chanting
slogans. Many of the slogans were directed against former President Akbar
Hashemi Rafsanjani. Their criticism stemmed from the outcome of the Majlis
elections. When election results in Tehran were first counted, Rafsanjani
squeezed in at 29th or 30th (the student banner above claims he was 31st).
But the Council of Guardians, claiming election fraud, hoisted Rafsanjani
to 20th on the list of successful candidates. Here are some of the slogans
heard at today's rally:
* mardom bidaaran, az Hashemi bizaaran
(The people are awake, they are fed up of Hashemi [Rafsanjani])
* aazaadiyeh andisheh bi matbuaat nemisheh
(There is no freedom of thought without the press)
* nefrat-e har Irani, simaayeh Larijani
(Every Iranian hates the state TV under [Mohammad] Larijani)
* dar majles-e mardomi, jaay-e rajaayi khaali
(Alireza Rajaie [whose votes in Tehran were voided by the Council of Guardians]
is missed in the popular Majlis)
* Resalat, Keyhan, ruznaameh-yeh taalebaan
(Resalat and Keyhan, the newspapers of the Taliban)
* Keyhan, Resalat, aamel-e har jennayat
(Keyan and Resalat, perpretrators of every crime)
* Hashemi hayaa kon, een mamlekat-o rahaa con
(Hashemi [Rafsanjani], have some dignity, leave this nation alone)
* Hajjarian, Hajjarian, efshaa kon, efshaa kon, maafiyaay-e ghodratr-o
rosvaa kon, rosvaa kon
([Saeed] Hajjarian expose what you know and put the power mafia to shame)
* Ganji efshaa kon, Rafsanjani ro rosvaa kon
([Akbar] Ganji expose what you know and put Rafsanjani to shame)
* marg bar shah, marg bar shah, marg bar shah ... kudum shah? Akbar
Shah! Akbar Shah! Akbar Shah!
(Death to the Shah! Which Shah? Akbar Shah [Hashemi Rafsanjani])
* Tajzadeh, Tajzadeh hemaayatat mikoneem
(Tajzadeh [deputy Interior Minister], we support you)
* yek mamlekat, yek dowlat, aan ham beh ray-e mellat
(One nation, one government, by the vote of the people)
* dar majles-e mardomi, Hashemi jaa nadaareh --- toop, taank, aseeri,
digar asar nadaareh
(In a popular Majlis, Hashemi Rafsanjani has no place -- rockets, tanks
and imprisonment have no effect)
Photos here
* Siamak
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