Call for submissions
Iranian Women of the Diaspora:
A Collection of Poetry and ProseDEADLINE: December 1, 2000
With the publication last year of "A World Between: Poems, Short Stories, and Essays by Iranian-Americans" (George Braziller, 1999), in conjunction with the 20th anniversary of the Iranian Revolution, Americans for the first time had access to a wide array of stories and voices of Iranian immigrants and second-generation Iranian-Americans. The overwhelming number of submissions by women authors suggests that Iranian women -- whether born in Iran or elsewhere -- are making a significant contribution to the literature of the Iranian Diaspora.
Perhaps one of the contributing factors to the abundance of female- authored texts is that Iranian women have been struggling to define and recreate themselves both inside and outside their culture of origin. Within Iran, women have been seen as the barometer for correct moral behavior and as a sign of national purity after the revolution and the establishment of the Islamic Republic.
Outside Iran and in the U.S. particularly, Iranian women have often been viewed through a stereotype that depicts them as passive and silent. Iranian women are frequently associated with an obsessive emphasis on the veil as if veiling conveyed their essence. But for Iranian women living on the edge of multiple cultures, these roles are limiting and ultimately, part of what they are seeking to undermine.
A new collection of writing aims to bring together the chorus of voices by and about women of the Iranian Diaspora. We are seeking submissions of poetry, fiction, and non-fiction essays for a new collection of writing by and about Iranian women in the Diaspora. Works that particularly challenge the notion of a homogeneous Iranian female and that reflect a feminist perspective are encouraged. This new collection of writings authored by women attempts to give voice to the unique visions, concerns, and struggles that have been central for Iranian women in the Diaspora.
While we are interested in a number of themes, we would like to highlight the innovative literary or scholarly voices of women. Submissions could address general themes like immigration, memory, and hybrid identities or specific concerns like sexuality, arranged marriage, cross-cultural or interracial relationships and dating. No subject is too controversial! We are looking for well written fiction and non-fiction... Submissions should require minimal editing, must be typed double-spaced (no more than 25 pages), and must be written in English.Please send attachments in microsoft word...or send a hard copy via us mail.
Please send a hard copy of your submission for review to the address below, or email your submission to Please include your name, address, and email address with your submission(s). Please provide a self-addressed stamped envelope if you want your manuscript to be returned.
The deadline for submissions is December 1, 2000.
Send submissions or inquiries to:
Dr. Persis Karim
Department of English
San José State University
One Washington Square
San José, CA 95192-0090