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March 29-April 2, 1999 / Farvardin 9-13, 1378


* April Fools:
- Important points

- I called Senator Feinstein's office
- I am disgusted

- Loved it
- Laughed so hard


* Iranian-Americans:
- Divided, unorganized
- Big elephant

* Tehran:
- Pointless

- Really embarrassing
* Farah:
- Best of Iran
- Could fuel hatred

- Worst choice

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April 2, 1999

* Important points

What a truly awful April fool's joke ["Iran is a great country"]. Still, some important points regarding the senators' political interests were made. Those two nitwits could never be accused of not knowing which side their bread is buttered.

Shahin Shahin

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* I called Senator Feinstein's office

It was such a disappointment when I called Senator Feinstein's office to find out that your story ["Iran is a great country"] was completely false with no foundation whatsoever. It seems that your writers imaginative mind is in a high gear, writing such a scenario, placing it on the "biggest TV station in history in Los Angeles ever." Please give a little bit of consideration for the intelligence of your news recipients next time. Report the truth please.

S. Yadegar

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* I am disgusted

The Iranian times makes a mockery of Persian culture and heritage as witnessed through the type of articles posted to the site in question ["Iran is a great country"]. The collective intellerctual acumen of those in charge of producing such worthless information accurately portrays the class of Iranian people living in the cultural wasteland known as Los Angeles. All of you are peasnts enemberated daily by images of "gendehs" like Leyla Foruhar and dillusions of grandeur while all along you are low class "bazaaris" selling the collective Iranian soul to make a dollar. Please don't send e-mails to those such as I who are culturally your superior and reside in a class level exponentially higher than yours. You should be ashamed as much as I am disgusted!!!

Ali Hashemi-Nejad

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* Loved it

I loved the piece on Senators Barbara Boxer and Diane Feinstein ["Iran is a great country"]. Sounds just like a goof any typical and ignorant American could easily make.

Alireza Torkzadeh

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* Laughed so hard

Thank you for your enlightening "interview" with Feinstein and Boxer ["Iran is a great country"]. I laughed so hard, that I got dizzy! It was great.

A. Hadj

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April 1, 1999

* Divided, unorganized

This in response to the letter, "She didn't apologize". I have to agree with Manavi. But I was not really surprised. What did we expect from Senator Boxer? We are one of the most divided and unorganized well-to-do minority (actually, sadly enough we don't even have that title officially) in the U.S. I really don't blame her.

Politicians in a democratic society merely respond to whoever that has a louder voice. Louder voice means who donates money, attends $500 per-plate dinners, VOTES, boycotts, hold demonstrations (if needed while keeping your cool), etc.

We for all practical purpose don't do any of the above and until we do we won't really get any respect from people like her. I am not from California, like Senator Boxer. This made me really angry given the substantial Iranian population in in this state. So my suggestions are:

1) get your citizenship so you can vote and make a positive changes. President Khatami followers are doing this successfully/skillfully and have made great inroads by voting,

2) make appearances when these people are running for office and voice your legitimate concerns,

3) all American Iranians in California should start a petition and express cocern at her comments and her bogus apology.

I am not an expert in lobbying but at minimum I would send this to her office in California and the National Democrat headquarters. The change has to start from us. Simply reacting to one's response will not improve our condition greatly. We need to start from step 1 and 2. We also need to listen to legitimate concern of U.S. politicians as well.

S. Amirghodsi

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March 31 1999

* Big elephant

I was greatly interested in an article I read some time ago about what members of religious minorities such as the Bahai faith followers are going through to get basic education in Iran ["Illicit education"].

This is an issue of great importance, and not enough attention has been given to it. Like racial issues in America, it is controversial, and highly significant. Ignoring and disregarding such injustice by our fellow countrymen, is like what a friend said: pretending the big elephant is not sitting in on the couch in your living room.

We will not attain unity and peace in Iran, unless we learn how to protect our minorities and our defenseless, until we teach ourselves equality, love and unity. Until we appreciate our differences, and learn that a garden with flowers of different colors and fragrances looks much more fascinating than a garden with only one plant.

Neda Kamranpour

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* Pointless

Is it just me, or was the "I'm no pimp" article the most nonsensical piece written as of late in The Iranian? I should hope readers will not be subject to such absurd and pointless pieces as this in the future. Let us continue with the normally exceptional writing and diverse topics of interest that appeal to the more intellectual reader.

Behbahani, Massi

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March 30, 1999

* Really embarrassing

What is the purpose of posting this story ["I'm no pimp"]? It's really embarrassing. I am not visiting this site anymore.

Ali Taleghani

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* Best of Iran

[Farah Pahlavi] represents the best of Iran: dignity, compassion, intelligence, beauty, depth, liberty, womanhood and forgiveness ["Iranians of the Year"].

N. Ansari

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March 29, 1999

* Could fuel hatred

I read your article on Charshanbeh Suri in Iran ["Fire with fire"] extensively and appreciate the efforts that you and your collogues have done. Alas, I also tend to believe that your scrutiny of such symbolic issues is where the misery of our nation rests.

The fundamental changes that President Khatami is formulating and the struggle for change is not about "Chaharchanb'e Souri" or other trivial matters. The struggle for change is about the soul of our nation and its evolution into a democratic Islamic nation. I could perhaps compare your efforts to that of a journalist only concentrating on the behavior of spectators in a vital soccer game.

The actual game Madame, is the one being played out on the corridors of Mr. Khamenei's residence on Azerbaijan Street and the Presidential Office on Pastor Avenue. Your posting could only fuel the hatred of Khatami's enemies while contributing very little on what Khatamisim is all about.

Mahmmoud-Reza Hussaini

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* Khatami: worst choice

Iranians are again being fooled by a "progressive" molla. But as usual religion has never been progressive for their promoters to be progressive and as such those who are foolishly hoping to establish a democratic regime under Khatami are again blindfolded with the fact that first of all he is a molla and as such can not be progressive regardless of what he says. And the fact that what he does is completely different from what he says is another reason that Iranians are again chasing their own tails and are hoping for some good to come out from this very shrewd and clever clergy who is manipulating Iranians to score points with his competition who is Khamenei's faction ... FULL TEXT

Jamshid E.

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