March 29-April 2, 1999 / Farvardin 9-13, 1378
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* Wrestling tournament schedule changed
* Rrussia not to attend World Cup wrestling
* Iranian wrestlers arrive in Spokane, Washington
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April 2, 1999
* Wrestling tournament schedule changed
Spokane, Washington, april 2, IRNA -- the spokane 99 world cup free-style
wrestling tournament's program has changed in iran's favor on the country's
request in view of russia's absence in the contest. under the new schedule
iran would face canada instead of cuba on the first day of the competitions
on friday ... FULL
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April 1, 1999
* Rrussia not to attend World Cup wrestling contest
Spokane, Washington, April 1, IRNA -- the national russian free-style
wrestling team will not attend the spokane 99 world cup free-style wrestling
contest, which is to be held here from april 2-3. secretary of the u.s.
wrestling federation rich bender said in an interview with irna that the
russian team would not attend the contests despite their desire due to
problems at the american embassy in moscow ... FULL
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March 31, 1999
* Iranian wrestlers arrive in Spokane, Washington
Spokane, March 31, IRNA -- iran's free style wrestling team arrived
here tuesday night to attend the world cup wrestling championship in the
united states. the iranian wrestlers, who arrived in chicago on sunday,
were warmly received by iranians residing in western america ... FULL TEXT
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March 30, 1999
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March 29, 1999
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