
My lemon yellow roosari
My hejab had to say something about me
(Part 1)
By Dokhi Fassihian
December 28, 1999
The Iranian
I braved Tehran's summer heat one day after work and went shopping near
the crowded Vali Asr Square. I was having an all-linen summer manteau sown
and wanted the perfect buttons for it. At the time, I only had a black
manteau I bought in the spring when the weather was still cool. When summer
came to Tehran, I endured a magnificent sauna inside the polyester garb.
When I took off the manteau, steam would rise off my body.
It was almost impossible to find plain medium-sized bone-colored buttons,
even in Tehran's button district! Everything was hideously gaudy, just
like the ready-made manteaus I was trying to avoid. Near the meydoon, I
saw a store with bright fabric beaming from its window. Wow, a roosari
shop! >>>
The Iranian
December 28, 1999
My daughter reached for the CD player in the car
and put on some music. She asked me if I knew who the singer was. I didn't.
She said it was Andy. "Andy?!" I asked, as if I was being force-fed
a chocolate-flavored diarrhetic.
Truth is that I had never heard his music before
-- except for 15 second video clips on Iranian TV stations now and then.
My impression was that he's the worst of Iranian music in exile -- silly,
devoid of any musical value and good for that certain LA crowd. And dude,
what's up with that headband?
When my daughter played his "Tanhaie" CD in the car, I only heard two songs. Based on that,
I still would not rank Andy close to Ebi or Daryoush. But, hey, I enjoyed
it. I really did. Has my taste deteriorated? I don't know. All I can say
is that it was fun and entertaining >>>
Iran's Young Are Restless Under Islam
Teenagers Lament Strict Social Laws
By Afshin Molavi
The Washington Post
December 28, 1999
TEHRAN-The music of Latin pop sensation Ricky Martin filled the room
and the DJ exhorted the crowd to dance. "C'mon, everybody," he
yelled into the microphone. "It's time to go-go-go," he boomed,
mimicking lyrics from a popular Martin song.
Within minutes, the intricate red and gold Persian carpet on the floor
was packed with young, hip-shaking, twenty-something Iranians. "Way
to go," cheered Keyvan, the disc jockey with long, gelled hair. "I
don't want to see anyone sitting down!" >>>
I am the director of a large, relatively new contemporary art gallery
in the Boston area (www.bershad.com/gb).
I am interested in exhibiting the work of several contemporary Iranian
artists, but know little about how to conceptually market and research
such a show. I am asking for any ideas you might have or thoughts about
the benefits/drawbacks of marketing a show based on the Iranian Identity
of the artists rather than the art itself. Any thoughts or ideas are very
very welcome.
Joanna Miller
Director, Gallery Bershad
Tel: (617) 629 9400 (Ext 3)
More Letters
* Celebrate creativity
Ramin Abhari
writes: I really enjoy the diversity of features in iranian.com. Ms
Afsari's bit on dating was fun to read ["The
sixth man"]. Same with Mr. Samiei's moon landing memories ["A
moon of our own"]. So it was a bit disapporinting to read letters
bashing these creative endavors ["Chossi
aamadan", "Unsympathtic"].
Perhaps an unintended function of this web-site is to be an open-laboratory
where creative and literary Iranians can post their work, regardless of
its "appropriateness" -- whether it is a piece which would ultimately
find its "English-media home" in Cosmopolitan or The
New York Times.
Let us celebrate Iranian creativity in all its incarnations at home
and abroad and offer our opposing thoughts as constructive criticism and
fuel for lighting our own creative fires!
* Dastmal-e Hareer
Simin Habibian writes:
Referring to the Nostalgia
photo on December 27, if this is the same Haleh, who did the commercial
for Dastmaal-e Hareer tissues ("Khanooma, Aaaqaayoon, Dastmaal e man
Hareere..."), she lives in California.
She used to be a sidekick in Fereydoun Farrokhzad's TV show in California.
Then she had her own TV show. At the moment Haleh and her husband run a
24-hour satellite TV company called Pars.
* Academic: Best Dissertation of the
The Foundation for Iranian Studies is pleased to announce that the Committee
on the Selection of Best Dissertation of the Year on a Topic of Iranian
Studies of the Foundation for Iranian Studies has chosen Dr. Negar Mottahedeh's
dissertation "Representing the Unpresentable: Historical Images of
Reform from the Qajars to the Islamic Republic of Iran," submitted
to the Faculty of the Graduate School of the University of Minnesota, as
the recipient of the Foundation's annual Ph.D. dissertation award for the
academic year 1998-1999 >>>
Books of the Week

* Saaniyeh-yeh
aakhar (1999)
Y2K issues in Iran
By Dr. Ali Parandeh
* Barandeh-haa
ham baazandeh-and (1999)
A memoir by a former mayor of Tehran, with photos
By Ahmad Nafisi
* Jazireh
sargardaani (2nd edition, 1998)
By Simin Daneshvar
* Mumia
va assal (1996)
By Shahriar Mandanipour
* Mehr-e
giaah (1998)
ByAmir Hassan Cheheltan
See more
Iranian books for sale
Video of the Week
the olive trees

This is Abbas Kiarostami's most romantic film (English subtitles). It
is the third part of a trilogy set in northern Iran. For other Kiarostami
videos, click here.
Video Store
Copyright © Abadan Publishing Co. All Rights Reserved.
May not be duplicated or distributed in any form
Public hanging at dawn for man who killed
Islamic militiaman
Dec 29 (AFP) - The young man who murdered a member of Iran's volunteer Islamic
Basiji militia is to be hanged in public at dawn Sunday, a newspaper reported.
The Iran daily said Wednesday that Morteza Amini-Moghadam would be hanged
at Imam Hossein Square in the southeast of the capital after being found
guilty of the stabbing death of 22-year-old Basiji militiaman Hadi Mohebi

Constitutional body rejects law increasing
its own powers
Dec 29 (AFP) - An Iranian supervisory council on Wednesday rejected parts
of a law that would have given it increased powers to oversee February's
key parliamentary elections, state radio said. The 12-member Council of
Guardians said two articles in the legislation, approved by the conservative-
dominated parliament on Tuesday, were "against the constitution and
Islam," the radio said >>> FULL TEXT
Interior ministry rejects 400 candidates
for MP elections
Dec 29 (AFP) - Iran's interior ministry has rejected some 400 candidates
hoping to stand in February's key parliamentary elections, the press reported
here Wednesday. Pro-reform papers said leading reformist Abdollah Nuri,
who was jailed five years for spreading anti-Islamic propaganda last month,
would still be allowed to run. The report could not be immediately confirmed
Elite force says officer killed in attack:
Dec 29 (AFP) - Iran's elite Revolutionary Guards said a top officer was
killed in an attack by the outlawed armed opposition People's Mujahedeen,
a newspaper reported Wednesday. General Mohammad-Jafar Asadi, deputy commander
for Guards ground forces, told the Aftab-e-Emrouz paper that Ali Saki was
killed when a Mujahedeen fighter tried to throw a grenade during an attack.
He did not elaborate >>> FULL TEXT

Group appeals on web for funds to carry
out Rushdie death sentence
Dec 28 (AFP) - A private Iranian group is to launch an appeal on the internet
for money to implement a religious death sentence on British writer Salman
Rushdie, the Kayhan newspaper reported Tuesday. The founder of Iran's Islamic
Republic, Ayatollah Ruhollah Khomeini, issued a religious decree, or fatwa,
in 1989 condemning Rushdie to death for his novel "The Satanic Verses,"
which he judged blasphemous against Islam >>> FULL TEXT
OPEC output cuts will probably remain after
March: Iran oil minister
Dec 28 (AFP) - OPEC will likely maintain oil production cuts after the group's
regular March meeting, Iranian Oil Minister Bijan Namdar Zanganeh said,
the official news agency IRNA reported. "I think the member states
will probably develop an understanding to continue the production cut for
some time" after the March meeting, Zanganeh said in a press conference
here Monday >>> FULL TEXT
Iran publishes first human development
Dec 28 (AFP) - Iran has published its first national human development report,
recommending far-reaching changes in many areas of society. The 150-page
report was produced by the country's Plan and Budget Organization in cooperation
with the United Nations office in Iran >>> FULL TEXT

Box office
Tehran (Asr-e Azadegan) - Latest movie box office sales: Majid
Majidi's "Rang-e Khodaa" ("Color of Paradise") seems
to be leading the pack >>> FULL TEXT IN PERSIAN

Mr. Ripley
(Asr-e Azadegan) - "The Talented Mr. Ripley" has recently been
released in American cinemas (by the way, it's a very good film). But the
book is making news in Iran. It was translated a few years ago but censors
at the Culture Ministry have not given their seal of approval, so says the
translator >>> FULL TEXT IN PERSIAN

(Iran Varzeshi) - Hadi Tabatabaie will start as Iran's goalkeeper in the
friendly matches in the U.S. >>> FULL TEXT IN PERSIAN

He's back?
Tehran (Iran Varzeshi) - After all the talk that he was about to
quit soccer, Ahmadreza Abedzadeh stood in goal for Persepolis in the match
against Sepahan >>> FULL TEXT IN PERSIAN

Chess champ
Tehran (Iran Varzeshi) - Atoussa Pour-Kashian won the Asian chess
title for the girls under-12 age group. Meanwhile the next Asian women's
chess championships will be held in Tehran >>> FULL TEXT IN PERSIAN
Persian Service
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The Web
Tehran Museum of Contemporary
One of the most beautifully-designed sites ANYWHERE on the
net. I just hope they will put more art work online.
Beyond Iran
Times Capsule
Articles and artifacts that document the century and the
web sites
Quote Unquote
I do desire we be better strangers.
-- William Shakespeare
Photo of the Day

to many
Musician of the Week

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