
A morning in London
Getting to work English-style
By Shahin Shahin
June 13, 2000
The Iranian
It is about 5:30 in the morning. Another restless night has passed.
I battled the demons of darkness all night long. I was so close to saving
Cindy Crawford from the clutches of the two-headed monster resembling Woody
Allen with Margaret Thatcher's hairdo and Madeleine Albright. I am awake.
But I wonder: Why is it that when you feel most comfortable in bed, you
have to get up? >>>

Zara & Roshan Houshmand
Photos by Jahanshah Javid
June 13, 2000
The Iranian
Photos of Zara and Roshan Houshmand in Pittsburg, Pennsylvania, just
before breakfast >>>
Ansar confessions
Rah-e Tudeh, an Iranian leftist organization in Germany, has published
what it claims to be the transcript of a video in which a member of the
radical Ansar Hizbollah gives a detailed account of the group's violent
activities and strategy >>>
Thanks to Souren
The Veiled Threat
The Iranian theocracy's fear of females
By Azar Nafisi
The New Republic
June 22, 2000
I would like to begin with a painting. It is Edgar Degas's Dancers
Practicing at the Bar, as reproduced in an artbook recently published
in the Islamic Republic of Iran. Under the heading "Spatial Organization,"
the book gives a two-paragraph explanation of Degas's placement of the
ballerinas: "The two major forms are crowded into the upper right
quadrant of the painting, leaving the rest of the canvas as openspace...."
Thanks to Simin
Today's is the 1000th issue of The Iranian Times (*spectacular
fireworks*). I searched my files to find some of the old old editions when
it was still called The Iranian Bulletin. I couldn't find the earliest
ones but here's one from August 1997 >>>
More Letters
* Wonderful way to start a day
Reza Shadmehr witres:
As I eat a bit of breakfast and look over the latest news in my daily
issue of The Iranian Times, you won't be surprised to know that
I'm often saddened and disappointed by the latest turn of events as the
forces of democracy and change face yet another obstacle.
Sometimes the setbacks are so great that I ask myself why I care about
what goes on there anyway, since reading it sometimes makes me angry and
ruins a perfectly fine morning.
But then I read the Rumi ghazals and the magnificent translations
by Ms. Houshmand and it's like sunshine warming my body and lifting
my soul.
I can't help but smile at the beauty of the poems, especially as I read
the translation to help me with a word or two that I didn't get and then
re-read the Persian original. It's really a wonderful way to start a day.
* You're free, but not funny
Mehrdad witres:
Making fun should make sense, shouldn't it? Your cartoon [of President
Khatami] didn't make any sense. The only thing we have learned from
freedom -- especially the Western kind -- is to make fun of key people
and officials.
As a pro-2nd-of-Khordad person, I believe the freedom we fought for
and achieved was meant to help us focus all our constructive forces to
build the millennium we have been longing for for such a long time.
This isn't in line with aimless destructive forces which tend to deteriorate
the situation or mock sincere, understanding individuals who are trying
to lead us to our sanctuary.
You are definitely free to express your ideas etc., but your cartoon
was not funny; and I expressed my idea because I am free, as well!
Comedy: Peyvand and Shappi Khorsandi
Peyvand and Shappi Khorsandi will be performing stand-up comedy -- "How
to be Iranian" -- in London on June 17 >>>
Books & Music from Iran

Check our fourteen new books from Iran including an authoritative history
of the Achamenid empire, writings by leading reformists, Forough Farrokhzad's
complete works, exquisite books of classical poetry with miniatures, Manichaean
psalms and more! >>>
New music albums
* Taherzadeh, Manochehr: Aakharin
barg * Eyvazi, Mohammad Reza. : Rangin
kamaan * Banan.: Shaakh-e
gol (2) * Ta'rif, Sadiq: Maah
baanoo * Lachini, Fariborz: Paaeez-e
talaaee ... >>>
Music store
Translation of today's poem by Zara
I am lost in God, and God is found in me.
Why look in all directions? Look inside.
I am the Lord, and I do you wrong to say
That anyone is Lord or God to me.
-- Rumi
Copyright © Abadan Publishing Co. All Rights Reserved.
May not be duplicated or distributed in any form
Iranian Jews recant on their "confessions":
Iran, June 13 (AFP) - Several of the 13 Iranian Jews accused of spying for
Israel recanted Tuesday on their public confessions during their trial in
the southern city of Shiraz, saying they had been extracted under duress,
a defense lawyer said. "Some defendants have said the confessions were
made at the demand of (government) agents," said defense spokesman
Ismail Nasseri on leaving the court after the latest session of the trial.
"Some of them do not remember the events." >>> FULL TEXT
Jews' trial nears end
SHIRAZ, Iran (AP) - A judge introduced new evidence Tuesday as
the trial of 13 Iranian Jews accused of spying for Israel drew to a close,
lawyers said. Defense attorney Karim Sadeghi said his team had seen the
fresh evidence, which couldn't be disclosed for security reasons. ``What
I can say is that it was wholly unconvincing, and we found little that was
new in it,'' he said >>> FULL TEXT

Oil prices rally, boosted by OPEC
LONDON (Reuters) - Oil prices stormed higher on Tuesday as OPEC's
President Ali Rodriguez said gasoline production in the United States was
to blame for high prices rather than a shortage of OPEC crude. International
benchmark Brent crude closed up 27 cents at $31.48 a barrel after rocketing
$1.60 on Monday. U.S. light crude ended up 81 cents to $32.55 >>>
Minister blames oil price hikes on US demand
June 13 (AFP) - Recent increases in crude oil prices to above 30 dollars
a barrel are due to supply shortages in specific segments of the US market
and not to a shortage of global production, Iran's oil minister said Tuesday.
Consequently, Bijan Namdar Zangeneh said there "is no question"
of the Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries raising crude output
until the impact is seen of a decision by OPEC countries in March to raise
production >>> FULL TEXT
French consular official in Tehran recalled
June 13 (AFP) - French authorities have decided to recall a consular official
working at their embassy in Tehran after several hundred visas were issued
"irregularly," ambassador Philippe de Suremain said Tuesday. "We
noticed that some 370 visas were acquired irregularly, mainly via shady
middle-men. We decided to recall the man in charge of issuing visas,"
the diplomat told AFP >>> FULL TEXT
Kharrazi to visit Switzerland
June 13 (AFP) - Iran's Foreign Minister Kamal Kharazi was to arrive in the
Swiss capital Bern Wednesday for a one-day working visit designed to "deepen
bilateral relations" between the two countries, the Swiss foreign ministry
announced >>> FULL TEXT

Kiarostami: Films not for entertainment
(Bahar) -- Abbas Kiarostami spoke to an audience in New York after showing
his latest film, "The wind will take us there". He said he is
not interested in the wide release of his films and does not feel obligated
to entertain >>>> FULL TEXT IN PERSIAN

Film: "No turning back"
(Bahar) -- There's no use thinking about reviving pre-revolutionary film
styles or actors, says deputy culture minister in charge the film industry,
Seyfollah Dad >>>> FULL TEXT IN PERSIAN
Writers set up private classes
(Bahar) -- Poet Manouchehr Atashi will soon start poetry classes. Seems
to be a trend. Other writers have done the same >>>> FULL TEXT

Talebi: "We will play five to six
(Iran Sports Press) -- With video: The head coach of the Iranian
National Team, Jalal Talebi, said on Saturday that Iran will play between
five and six games prior to the start of the Asian Cup finals in Lebanon

Mahdavi-Kia: Young players did well
(Iran Varzeshi) -- Mehdi Mahdavi-Kia on the performance of the national
soccer team without him and his contract with Hamburg >>> FULL

Zarrincheh confident
(Iran Varzeshi) -- Javad Zarrincheh is hopeful that Esteqlal will win the
elimination cup final and represent Iran in the Asian championships >>>
Kermit Roosevelt
Following the death of Kermit Roosevelt, head
of the Middle East Bureau of the CIA in the fifties, and one of the main
intelligence figures involved with the 1953 Coup D'etat in Iran, Pooneh
Afshar talks to Dr Fakhreddin Azimi, History Professor in University of
Cunnecticut >>>
BBC Persian

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The Web
Rah-e Tudeh
Followers of the old Tudeh communist party.
They seem more sophisticated and, of course, no longer agree with everything
the Soviet Union was or did.
Beyond Iran
This web companion to the British television
special presents a rich compilation of features, including the full text
of "The Origin of the Species" with an illustrated guide from
the BBC.
web sites
Quote Unquote
No surprise
Some defendants have said the confessions were made at
the demand of (government) agents.
-- Ismail Nasseri, defense lawyer for Jews accused of
June 13, 2000
Photo of the Day

& Nozari

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Mitra Khoshreza
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