
Pablo, James and I
Rose Ghajar reflects on idols
May 4, 2000
The Iranian
Remember Rose Ghajar's recreations of Ghajar-style paintings? Well,
that was last year --- a long long long time ago for Rose. In her latest
collaboration with Mexican artist Santana, Rose has reflected on her idols,
including Picasso, Joyce... and herself >>>
Iran's show trials
Boston Globe
May 4, 2000
The hardliners in Iran who are trying 13 Iranian Jews on charges of
spying for Israel are repeating an all-too-familiar lesson about the distinction
between revolutionary justice and the real thing. In a state based on a
genuine rule of law, innocent citizens are not accused of preposterous
crimes in order to make a political point. But that is what has happened
to the accused Jews in the city of Shiraz >>>
Left hook
May Day in Sanandaj
Communist Workers Party of Iran, Kurdistan Committee statement FULL TEXT IN PERSIAN
Go George!

George W. Bush gets a crucial endorsement >>>
More Letters
* Coordinated Zionist plot?
Saaviz Afshar writes:
I am really saddened by all this barrage of very divisive articles
and propaganda by our fellow Iranian jewish so-called vocal groups.
I am confused as to what their ulterior motives are. Is it truly coming
from them or is it another cohesive and coordinated plot by their international
Zionist handlers? ...
Historically, Iran/Persia has been a safe haven for Jews for centuries
and centuries. It was the Persians who freed the Jewish slaves from Babylon.
It was the Ashkanians of northern Iran who helped the Jews and their leader
Antagon to defeat the Romans hence the creation of Israel first time or
second time around. I believethe present Israel is the third time...
Granted all's not well in Iran today but it's not just the Jews who
are having problems exclusively. I understand that you are all sympathetic
to Israel but you don't have to over do it at the expense of the rest of
us. Iran has some serious issues with Israel, mostly justified. As citizens
of Iran, you need to take under consideration all angles at this time.
* Giving reformists a boost, from abroad
Mohammad Azadpur writes:
Rasool Nafisi's article ["Reform
in retreat"]is well written and comprehensive. But ... It is about
time that [the U.S. and Europe] abandon their naive policies and look at
Iran realistically, and there are many among the expatriate Iranian community
that can help... On the part of Iranian people and the reformists, PURE
reliance on internal factors and the law results in the advantage of the
conservatives >>>
Music: Bijan Mortazavi, George Dalaras,
Kazem al Saher
A new global door opens June 3, 2000 when the "1st Annual Mondo
Melodia International Music Festival"appears at the Greek Theatre
in Berkeley, California, kicking off a six-city United States tour. The
festivalbrings together highly acclaimed Mediterranean and Middle Eastern
masters for the first time on stage. Nowwith the appearance of Greece's
George Dalaras, Iraq's Kazem Al Saher, and Iran's Bijan Mortazavi, a newmusical
experience emerges >>>
Books & Music from Iran

Check our fourteen new books from Iran including an authoritative history
of the Achamenid empire, writings by leading reformists, Forough Farrokhzad's
complete works, exquisite books of classical poetry with miniatures, Manichaean
psalms and more! >>>
New music albums
* Taherzadeh, Manochehr: Aakharin
barg * Eyvazi, Mohammad Reza. : Rangin
kamaan * Banan.: Shaakh-e
gol (2) * Ta'rif, Sadiq: Maah
baanoo * Lachini, Fariborz: Paaeez-e
talaaee ... >>>
Music store
NEW: Champions:
Iranian national soccer team

Three hours of interviews, trainings, matches, Biographies, and fans
of Iranian National Soccer Team, covering Iran's soccer history from 1978-2000.
Premium quality. Produced by: Alireza AmirGhasemi & Behrouz Deravi.
Video Store
Translation of today's poem by Zara
I said: 'You are the wine, and I the cup.
I am dead; you're alive and lovely.
Now open the door, my loyal friend'
'What?' she said, 'Let a lunatic loose in the house?'
-- Rumi
Copyright © Abadan Publishing Co. All Rights Reserved.
May not be duplicated or distributed in any form

Reformers stagger into vote battered by
May 4 (AFP) - Iran's reformers crushed conservatives at the polls in February
but instead of heading into the second round of parliamentary voting Friday
in command, they are staggering from a right-wing backlash. For supporters
of President Mohammad Khatami, almost everything has gone wrong since they
ousted the longtime conservative majority in parliament that had stymied
much of the president's plan to instil social and political reform >>>
Hard-liners face crucial test
TEHRAN, Iran (AP) - Run-off elections in Iran on Friday present
another arena for a showdown between Islamic hard-liners and the reformists
who swept the first round of parliamentary voting in February. Hard-liners
who hoped to silence the opposition may instead have boosted the reformists'
popularity by closing 16 pro-democracy newspapers in Tehran, jailing top
liberal activists and annulling some of the reformists' victories in the
February vote for the 290-seat parliament, or Majlis >>> FULL TEXT
Two student journalists kidnapped: pape
May 4 (AFP) - Two Iranian student journalists from a Tehran technical college
have been kidnapped and a third attacked in the street, a moderate newspaper
said here Thursday >>> FULL TEXT
More freed Iraqi POWs from Iran given heroes'
Iraq, May 4 (AFP) - Iraq on Saturday welcomed as heroes a further batch
of 480 freed POWs held in Iran since the 1980-88 war between the two countries,
as families were reunited in emotional scenes at the border >>>
US underlines concerns over espionage trial
of Iranian Jews
May 4 (AFP) - The United States said Wednesday that its concerns over the
trial of 13 Iranian Jews charged with spying for Israel were merely reinforced
by the mounting number of questionable confessions >>> FULL TEXT
Israel indignant at the spy trial of Iranian
May 4 (AFP) - Israel Wednesday expressed indignation at the legal procedures
used in the espionage trial of 13 Iranian Jews and the confessions given
by the accused >>> FULL TEXT
Iran shooting suspect says duped by accomplice
May 3 (Reuters) - A main suspect in the attempted assassination of a leading
Iranian reformer said in court on Wednesday he had been misled by an accomplice
to take part in the shooting, Iran 's official IRNA news agency reported
Arson trial defendant lit fire after insult
STOCKHOLM (Reuters) - A teenage defendant said Thursday he had
ignited some paper at the scene of a blaze that killed 63 people after a
dispute with organizers of a Halloween disco in Sweden. The defendants,
all immigrants from Iran, deny the charge of gross arson which on conviction
is punishable with up to life imprisonment. Their names have not been published
outside the court >>> FULL TEXT
Iran imports U.S. medicine to treat its
4, 2000, WASHINGTON (USA Today) - As the Clinton administration moves to
ease restrictions on importing certain Iranian products, Iran has purchased
$ 2 million in U.S. medicine to treat hemophilia. Richard Bliss, a Washington
attorney who was a consultant on the deal, says two officials from Iran's
blood transfusion organization visited the USA in March and paid courtesy
calls on the National Institutes of Health, the Red Cross and a blood-bank
association >>> FULL TEXT

Iranians snap up titles at Tehran Book
(Gulf News) - Tehran's 13th international book fair opened yesterday to
thousands of eager Iranians who queued at the gates hours before opening
time to snag the latest titles usually not available to them in bookshops.
The fair showcased some 100,000 titles from 1,300 local publishers and 430
foreign publishers from 35 countries >>> FULL TEXT
Cheap books, big bucks
(Hamshahri) - Visitors to the international book fair can purchase foreign
books at special exchange rates (one fourth the black market rate). Naturally
some are taking advantage >>> FULL TEXT IN PERSIAN
Iranian film fest in Malaysia
(Hamshahri) - Iranian actors and filmmakers warmly received in Malaysia

Daei may join Leeds United
May 2, (SoccerNet) - David O'Leary is ready to launch a summer-long
mission to build a title-winning Leeds United squad for next season and
his top target will be Ali Daei, the most dangerous man in the air in German
football. In Germany yesterday, Ali Daei confirmed that a summer deal was
likely when he said: 'I know Leeds are interested in me and I see my future
being in England from the start of next season. I feel the Premiership would
suit me >>> FULL TEXT
Daei: Five Million Dollar Man
(Hamshahri) - Leeds United and Southampton are interested in signing Ali
Daei. Price: $5million >>> FULL TEXT IN PERSIAN
Foreign head coach for national team
(Hamshahri) - The national Iranian soccer team is looking for a foreign
head coach, while keeping Jalal Talebi as the technical assistant. Here
are some of the possible candidates >>> FULL TEXT IN PERSIAN
2nd round elections
On the eve of the second round of elections
in Iran in which 66 seats are to be contested in 52 constituencies, the
results of the Tehran elections are still unclear. Today, May 4 2000, the
Guardian Council has issued yet another statement to say that the recounts
of more ballot boxes in Tehran will continue. Behrouz Parsa asked Ahmad
Salamatian, former MP and Iranian politics expert about the significance
of this latest statement >>>
BBC Persian

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The Web
Never been to Tabriz? Take a photo tour.
Beyond Iran
Vectorial Elevation
"Relational architecture" is the
term Mexican artist Rafael Lozano-Hemmer uses to describe his "large-scale
interactive events that transform emblematic buildings through new technological
web sites
Quote Unquote
British conspiracy
The empires of the future are the empires of the mind.
-- Winston Churchill
Photo of the Day

Mellat: Couple

artists index

Maryam Anhary
Untitled |