
Go Gore
Iran is not the main issue
October 4, 2000
The Iranian
It would be a mistake for Iranians living in the U.S. to vote for either
presidential candidate primarily based on how they may deal with Iran.
No matter how much we love Iran, we are now citizens of another country.
We should get involved in domestic politics to improve our lives. And based
on that it seems Al Gore is the better candidate >>>
Love Finds a Way in Iran: 'Temporary Marriage
By Elaine Sciolino
The New York Times
October 4, 2000
TEHRAN, Iran -- For five years, Maryam, the hairdresser, and Karim,
the home appliance salesman, carried on a love affair, meeting secretly
at the house where Karim lived with his parents. The young couple's relationship
was officially sanctioned by Iran's Islamic Republic, even though unmarried
couples who have sex or even date and hold hands can be arrested, fined,
even flogged. That is because Maryam and Karim were married. Sort of. They
had a valid contract of temporary marriage >>>
The Dearest Eggs Since Faberge, Iranian Caviar Returns
By Florence Fabricant
The New York Times
October 4, 2000
HIGHLY prized Iranian caviar, now permitted in this country for the
first time since 1987, is being sold in many Manhattan food shops and by
mail order. The question for caviar lovers is, was it worth the wait? And
what about the prices, as much as 50 percent higher than for other caviars?
After tasting about 15 samples of various types and grades, I can attest
to this caviar's high quality. And in today's caviar-hungry luxury market,
I doubt that it will linger on store shelves very long, no matter what
its price >>>
Boxing ring
Kayhan: Protests against Majlis deputy for defending Montazeri
International Federation of Iranian Refugees: Canadian Refugee
Council and women >>>
Remember him?
Remember the guy who cut the net of the Iranian goal during the Iran-Australia
match? He's been fined for being a serial "pest" at other sports
events >>>
More Letters
* Googoosh's new songs sad, but real
Faryar Mansuri writes:
I beg to differ with Mr. Bagheri's judgment about Googoosh's new songs
and Babak Aminis compositions ["Houston,
we have a diva!"].
I had the pleasure of meeting and spending some time with most of the
talent traveling with Googoosh both before and after the concert in New
York. The day after the concert, over lunch and a good deal of humor, punctuated
by discussions about life in Iran, religion, music and politics; I learnt
a great deal about Babak Amini, his background, influences and his compositions.
Having heard of the five new songs at the concert, courtesy of Napster,
that same evening, I was able to form an opinion. The new Googoosh material
can only be judged against the backdrop of post-revolutionary Iran, the
lives of Googoosh, the people, their experiences and the life of present-day
Iranian youth >>>
* Airing, sharing and caring
Zara Houshmand writes:
Oooo! Tears in the middle of the day. A very fine story indeed ["A big beautiful
lamb"]. Interesting to think that just by being there, you are
making good writing happen -- just a certain degree of airing and sharing
and caring about it, and the yeast spreads and suddenly all these loaves
are rising, popping in and out of the oven, and writers are being read
and everyone gets to feast. Be proud. (Not to mention the lamb squiggle,
one of the best... :-)
* No matter where they are...
Mehran Jahromi
writes: Dameton garm for this site. It reminded me of Abadan
and all the good people of that city; all the Abadanis I have seen since
the war. No matter what they do, or where they are, one thing is for sure:
they all miss their city, and their freinds. People see themselves in these
pictures and we can find some of our lost freinds.
Event: Mehregan in Washington DC
The Iranian American Cultural Association invites you to celebrate the
bounty of Autumn during its Mehregan pgarty on Saturday evening, 7 October
* At the elegant, historic Crowne Plaza in the heart of downtown Washington,
D.C. at 14th and K Streets, N.W.
* 8:00 p.m.-1:00 a.m., in the Hamilton Ballroom >>>
Music store
Translation of today's poem by Zara
Tonight, when love's sorrow is forever and ever,
And the ruby wine is my strength and pillar,
The law prescribes pain and contemplation.
Food and sleep and passion are forbidden.
* Also see more Rumi
Rumi book

The Life Teachings and Poetry of Jalal al-Din Rumi
By Frankin D. Lewis
Copyright © Abadan Publishing Co. All Rights Reserved.
May not be duplicated or distributed in any form

Reformist MP calls for rehabilitation of
Ayatollah Montazeri
TEHRAN, Oct 3 (AFP) - A reformist Iranian legislator called Tuesday
for the rehabilitation of the liberal cleric elected to succeed the founder
of Iran's Islamic revolution, Ayatollah Ruhollah Khomeini, but who was forced
to step down before ever taking up that mantle. In a speech to parliament
on Tuesday, MP Mostafa Taheri Najaf-Abadi asked whether it is "just
that this man (Montazeri), who fought next to the imam (Khomeini) for the
creation and defense of the Islamic republic, should be constrained in his
daily life, and theological schools deprived of his teaching." >>>

Jailed journalists complain of prison condition
Oct 3 (Hayat-e No) - Detained reformist journalists Mashallah Shamsolvaezin
and Emadedin Baghi have written a letter to the majlis and the judiciary
complaining about the treatment of prisoners >>> FULL TEXT
Human rights group condemns death sentences
October 3, (Iranian Human Rights Working Group) - Iranian authorities
have announced that seven people belonging to a "terrorist netwrok"
have been arrested, tried and condemned to death. No details have been given
about their identities, alleged crimes or trial. Iranian Human Rights Working
Group condemns their illegal treatment >>> FULL PERSIAN TEXT

German Chancellor Schroeder to visit Iran
in 2001
3, 2000, Teheran (dpa) - German Chancellor Gerhard Schroeder plans to visit
Teheran next spring, Iran 's Economics Minister Hossein Namazi said Tuesday.
``We look forward to the visit of the German chancellor to Teheran. There
is no exact date fixed yet although the visit is planned before the presidential
elections in Iran ,'' Namazi said >>> FULL TEXT

Iran plans to open up equity market-cen
bank governor
Sept 29 (Reuters) - Iran is about to welcome foreign investorsback to its
stock market for the first time since the the 1979 Islamicrevolution, a
senior Iranian government official said on Friday. ``We are working on the
criteria for foreign investment (in the stockmarket) and I hope within a
month and a half we will announce them,''Iranian central bank governor Mohsen
Nourbakhsh told Reuters in aninterview >>> FULL TEXT
Trade deal pulls Iran in from the cold
Times (London) -- BRITAIN is to grant medium- term credit insurance for
exports to Iran in a move aimed at pushing the British up the league of
exporters to the Islamic Republic.The decision to bring Iran back into the
fold of countries eligible for the range of export credits was announced
yesterday by Richard Caborn in the first visit by a UK trade minister to
Tehran for two decades >>> FULL TEXT

Moshiri ill
Tehran (Cinema) -- Fereydoun Moshiri, one of the greatest contemporary
poets, has been bed-ridden due to an unspecified illness >>> FULL

The rise of Iranian cinema in past 20 years
(Cinema) -- In the 1980s Iranian cinema officials had a very difficult time
entering films into international festivals. But they persisted and the
rest is history. Here's a fascinating account >>> FULL PERSIAN

Iranian cinema in Paris
(Cinema) -- Arlequin Theater in Paris will screen Iranian films from November
7 through December 20 Paris. A report >>> FULL PERSIAN TEXT

National team in Germany
(Hamshahri) -- The national soccer team has arrived in Germany for training
sessions before the Asian Cup matches in Lebanon. Iran will play a friendly
match against Hamburg FC Thursday >>> FULL TEXT

Daei: Player of the month
(Hayat-e No) -- The Asian soccer web site has named Ali Daei the Asian Player
of the Month for scoring four goals in four matches >>> FULL TEXT

Ardebilis love Reza-zadeh
(Hayat-e No) -- Hossein Reza-zadeh, the world's strongest man who broke
world weightlifting records at the Sydney Olympics, has returned to his
Ardebil, his hometown. And everybody loves him >>> FULL TEXT
Taliban victories
Will Taleban's Latest Military Victory Lead
to the Recognition of their Government by World Community? Zahir Tanin in
discussion with Abrahim Yazdi, S. Tayeb Javad and Victor Grigorivich Kargon
BBC Persian

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Writer's radar
The most essential gift for a good writer is a built-in,
shock-proof shit detector. This is the writer's radar and all great writers
have had it.
-- Ernest Hemingway
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on the beach

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Alireza Vakili
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