Baba Taher
Paris heartbeats in an orange glow
She is still in glorious excess
Written and photographed by Rose Ghajar
I walked for 20 miles a day wearing my black coat from Saks and my Kmart
leather white tennis shoes like a shadow through the streets of Paris.
I would start from Rue de la tour d'Auvergne, near the Gare du Nord
and down Boulevard de Magenta to Place de la Republique where the statue
of a French women of Liberty stood with a wreath on her hair and her hand
outstreched in victory under a blue sky in November with white clouds.
In spring, chaliced poppies flame to red in the palm of her hand ... GO TO FEATURE
New Lives for Women From Iran
Many are quick to seize opportunity in 'Irangeles,' the immigrant
community's name for L.A. But often their husbands vehemently oppose college
and careers.
Los Angeles Times
December 10, 1998
Morgan Hakimi's betrothal was so faithful to tradition she could have
been back in Iran. She had never had a boyfriend--or even a date--when
she met Bruce, the fellow Iranian emigre her father wanted her to marry
in Los Angeles in 1980. She was 16.
But when the last glass of wine at their wedding was empty, this "Irangeles"
couple unveiled a new tradition that startled their patriarchal community.
She went to college while he pitched in at home. Some friends thought he
was crazy. Others avoided them.
Meanwhile, the fiance of "Nili" wanted the opposite--an unreformed
housewife--when he flew back to fundamentalist Iran for his second arranged
marriage four years ago. His first imported Iranian wife had grown too
Americanized, he said, neglecting him and the kids. He had pictures of
his ex-wife in a bikini near strange men at a pool, showing the cheap woman
she had become under the decadent California sun ... FULL TEXT

Dear lord...
Journey of the magi
... retrace the steps of the Wise Men who traveled across Persia to
worship the newborn infant Jesus. The expedition culminated in a live NetShow
broadcast of the midnight proceedings from Manger Square in Bethlehem on
Christmas Eve. You can still view the presentation here, or read the transcript....
Forwarded by Negar R.Tehrani
More Letters
* Can we accept immigrant status?
Masood Rad writes: I would like to discuss an issue which has been somewhat
problematic for me and I like to see how other Iranians living abroad and
particularly in the U.S. deal with it. The fact is that after living in
the U.S. for almost 30 years I have not been able to fully Americanize
myself and, as they say, melt in the pot. I do not know whether the problem
is they way I look or my accent or maybe my name, but in either case, I
still have not been able to divorce myself completely from the land where
I was born. Should I even want to do that?... FULL
* Protest: Gathering and march in Wasgington
In protest to the killings of Dariush and Parvaneh Forouhar, and to
mark the 50th anniversary of the Declaration of Human Rights and the 48th
anniversary of the December 7 clashes between students and troops at Tehran
University (known as "Student Day" ever since), The Alliance
for Defense of Human Rights in Iran is holding a gathering at Georgetown
University's ICC Auditorium (3600 Reservoir Road, NW, Washington DC) on
Saturday December 12 from 3:30 to 5:00. The main speaker will be Mr. Manouchehr
Mohammadi, a student leader in Iran.
The gathering will be followed by a silent march toward the United Nations
Information Center.
Book of the Week

I Heard God Laughing: Renderings of Hafiz
Edited by Henry S. Mindlin
Though he lived seven hundred years ago, Hafiz is still the most popular
poet of Persia, and one of the greatest love poets who ever lived. This
little book is perhaps the best introduction to his life and work. The
poems of Hafiz overflow with a profound appreciation of the beauty and
richness of life when seen through the eyes of love. -- The publisher,
Sufism Reoriented
featured books
New! Bestsellers
New! Books on Rumi
Alarming pattern of killings and "disappearances"
11 December 1998, (Amnesty International) - An alarming pattern
of murders and "disappearances" of several prominent Iranian writers
and government critics is emerging in Iran, Amnesty International said today.
Amnesty International is concerned for the safety of Mohammad Ja'far Puyandeh,
Hushang Golshiri, Kazem Kordavini, `Ali Ashraf Darvishiyan and Mansur Kushan,
all of whom are prominent Iranian writers ... FULL TEXT

Weightlifter prays to prophets, wins gold
BANGKOK, Dec 11 (Reuters) - With a prayer
to the prophets and look towards heaven, Shahin Nassiri Nia clean and jerked
210 kg in the men's 85 kg division and grabbed Iran's fourth gold of the
Asian Games on Friday. Nassiri Nia said he regularly clean and jerked 215
kg in practice, and said he would go for the world record of 218 kg next
year. ``I'm happy for my country to win the medal,'' Nassiri Nia said after
the competition where he also tied an Asian record in the snatch with 170
Iran condemns attack on Americans
TEHRAN, Iran (AP) -- Iran's hard-line speaker
of Parliament said Thursday that last month's attack on a group of American
visitors was ``inappropriate,'' according to the official news agency. Ali
Akbar Nateq-Nouri's comments marked the first against the Nov. 21 attack
from a conservative within Iran's ruling clerical hierarchy. He added, however,
that a failure to explain the visitors' purpose had provoked ``suspicion''
about the delegation ... FULL TEXT
Shell drops plans for pipeline across Iran
December 10, 1998, (JOURNAL OF COMMERCE STAFF) - Royal Dutch/Shell
has quietly dropped plans to build a controversial gas pipeline across Iran,
ending one of the biggest threats to U.S. sanctions policy in the last three
years. Shell's interest in a trans-Iran project to carry gas from Turkmenistan
to Turkey has dogged U.S. efforts to isolate the Islamic Republic and keep
it from controlling sensitive energy routes ... FULL TEXT

Iran says U.S. can't curb its missile capacity
TEHRAN (Reuters) - Former Iranian President
Akbar Hashemi Rafsanjani said Friday the United States was no longer able
to curb Iran's missile industry because Tehran had largely reached technological
self-sufficiency. Rafsanjani, who now heads a top state body, also dismissed
charges that Tehran sought to develop biological weapons ... FULL TEXT

Friday's Asian Games medals table
BANGKOK, Dec 11 (Reuters) - Following are
medal standings after the sixth day of competition at the 13th Asian Games
on Friday: ... FULL TEXT
$ Rate
dollar now offered at up to 708-713 tomans
Source: Sehaty Exchange (U.S.) Tel: 602-595-0777
The Web
Ultra-Iranian. What does that mean? Well, take a look for
Beyond Iran
Get all the details about the Iranian athletes and more.
web sites
Quote Unquote
Persian women were ready for the opportunities offered to them in the
United States, and they grabbed them. All the seeds came to America, and
in the sunshine of California, they blossomed.
Morgan Hakimi
Lives for Women From Iran"
Los Angeles Times
December 10, 1998
Photo of the Day

Gold for another weightlifter
Musician of the Week

Blending elements of old and new, East and West
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