The Web
Jan 11-15, 1999 / Dey 21-25, 1377
Latest Iranian site
* Radio Shahrvand
* Parviz Sayyad
* Computer Research Center, Qom
* Safineh
* Persian Cafe
email us
* Radio Shahrvand
Taraaneh-haaye darkhaasti... Persian music requests from an Iranian
station in Sweden.
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* Parviz
Beautifully done by Pedram Missaghi, with tons of info on Sayyad's rich
body of work. WARNING: Nostalgia-packed!
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* Computer
Research Center of Islamic Sciences
Qom's Islamic software and comuter services center.
Thanks to Payman Arabshahi
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* Safineh
Iran's "cheapest" Internet server (WWW access, ftp and email:
110,000 tomans or $150 per year PLUS usage fee).
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* Persian Cafe
A fun site with interesting features, inclduing electronic cards, art
works and photos.
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