Tuesday, September 29, 1998 / Mehr 7, 1377, No. 572
Racism Forgiving Salm and Tur Some see a geopolitical parable in the legend of Fereydoun's sons. The eternal East/West, and Iran as the bridge separating and uniting them, seems to appeal to that vision which places Iran as the center of the universe, the axis around which the inhabited world rotates. But the myth, many centuries older than the Shahnameh version, also bespeaks of a very powerful unspoken in our culture. The manner in which the brothers and their progenitors squared off against one another in malice and envy attests to the ambiguous and unspoken - yet faithfully obeyed - boundaries that sequester the ethnic groups from one another inside Iran. Salm has come to represent the Arabs and Tur the Turks, and our national psyche still bears deep wounds after so many centuries of all the times the Iranian Plateau has been overrun by conquerors from the south, the west and the north. We are particularly wounded by the invasion of the plateau by the Arabs and the Turks. In defense of our national ego and pride, however, we have translated the trauma of conquest into a groundless sense of ethnic superiority. That one of our greatest "national" poets - certainly our most important epic poet - saw Iraj as the innocent and morally superior victim of his two "foreign" brothers also affirms the feeling of suspicion and hostility we have towards the foreigners, institutionalized so long ago in our national epic poetry.... GO TO FEATURE New section Books Iran-U.S. relations Looking for books on Iran-U.S. relations? We have listed several of them which can be bought directly from Amazon.com. If you have any suggestions on recent books on this topic, let us know and we will include them in this section. GO THERE Anyway A 120-man Italian business delegation is due in Tehran this Sunday. Mammamia! History
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Nearly 250 candidates rejected for Assembly of Experts election Baha'i death sentences in Iran Mohajerani says he ''won't back down '' Albright urges patience toward Iran Soccer players invited to training camp $ Rate Down seven tomans; Quote Unquote First among Third Worlders Persian Iranian psyche harbors a covert ethnocentrism - even racism. We continue to consider ourselves - the urban Persian Iranians - as the most superior of all the people of the Third World (for we still have an inferiority complex when it comes to First Worlders). Laleh Khalili The Web Iranain record company and distributor in southern California Musician of the Week Maziar Book of the Week Xenophon's Imperial Fiction : On the Education of Cyrus Translated by James Tatum THE IRANIAN New! Bestsellers |
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* News & the Web: Payman Arabshahi -- payman@neda.com
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