Friday, October 9, 1998 / Mehr 17, 1377, No. 580
In America Hot dog By Yasaman J. Ever since my son was born six years ago, I have been through an interesting journey with him. Being born and raised in Iran as a part of the majority Farsi-speaking Moslem population (although my family was never religious) it has been interesting and sometimes heartbreaking to see my son grow up as a first generation hyphenated American. He is trying so hard to fit in, where as a child it came so easy and effortlessly to me and I took it for granted in such a careless and delicious way. Roshan did not speak English until he was almost four. It breaks my heart to remember his beautiful Farsi with no American accent. As soon as he picked up English though, as if to make up for lost time, he dropped his Farsi all together... GO TO FEATURE New section Books Iran-U.S. relations Looking for books on Iran-U.S. relations? We have listed several of them which can be bought directly from If you have any suggestions on recent books on this topic, let us know and we will include them in this section. GO THERE Anyway Aash-e Sholeh-Ghalamkar (aka The Iranian) Ingredients: (4 servings) * vegetables: parsley, dill, coriander, spinach, spring-onion ends,
500 grams Directions: Soak peas, beans and lentils in water for 4-5 hours. Peel and chop onions and fry in oil until slightly golden. Cut meat into small pieces and fry with onions until it changes colour. Add peas, beans, lentils, turmeric, salt, pepper and hot water, and cook over low heat for about one hour. Wash rice and add to the aash. Cook for another 20-30 minutes. Wash vegetables and chop finely. Add to aash and cook for another 10-15 minutes, stirring frequently. Add more hot water during cooking if necessary. For more Iranian recipes click here. History
* Persian Classical Melodies, Volume 1 |
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