
01/09/2009 - 15:54


Israel is cancerous state that needs to be contained.

by Cancer555 (not verified) on

Well..for years, I used to think that Israel is justified in defending itself. However as the events of the last 10 years shows, they are a brutal regime that has no interest but to advance their occupation and terror in middle east. Whether they are palestinians, Iraqi's or Iran, they do not care. They even interfered in Georgia's war with Russia. They use every means of terror and destruction (phospherous bomb, cluster bomb, bunkerbusting bomb or you name it) to justify their means. The suffering of Palestinians and other arabs is really their own fault since most of the arab world is ruled by corrupt puppet regimes. The good news is that these conflicts such as 2006 lebonon war and 2008 Gaza war will bring awareness to the Palestinian cause and shows the rest of the world the atrocity's of Israeli regime. It also brings more awareness to the Arab street about their own corrupt regimes and how these so called leaders are used to advance Western dominance on their countries. All in all, this well help Iran's leadership in the region and make Iran more powerfull and influential. Its truely a sad case when you see Venezula throws out Israeli diplomats and yet Jordan and Egypt take no action!!..who would have thought that could happen?? Hopefully the next persident of the US will reconsider their own interest and will force Isreal to accept 1967 borders and allow palestinian to live side by side by Israeli's and have a right of return.


Israel is cancerous state that needs to be contained.

by Cancer555 (not verified) on

Well..for years, I used to think that Israel is justified in defending itself. However as the events of the last 10 years shows, they are a brutal regime that has no interest but to advance their occupation and terror in middle east. Whether they are palestinians, Iraqi's or Iran, they do not care. They even interfered in Georgia's war with Russia. They use every means of terror and destruction (phospherous bomb, cluster bomb, bunkerbusting bomb or you name it) to justify their means. The suffering of Palestinians and other arabs is really their own fault since most of the arab world is ruled by corrupt puppet regimes. The good news is that these conflicts such as 2006 lebonon war and 2008 Gaza war will bring awareness to the Palestinian cause and shows the rest of the world the atrocity's of Israeli regime. It also brings more awareness to the Arab street about their own corrupt regimes and how these so called leaders are used to advance Western dominance on their countries. All in all, this well help Iran's leadership in the region and make Iran more powerfull and influential. Its truely a sad case when you see Venezula throws out Israeli diplomats and yet Jordan and Egypt take no action!!..who would have thought that could happen?? Hopefully the next persident of the US will reconsider their own interest and will force Isreal to accept 1967 borders and allow palestinian to live side by side by Israeli's and have a right of return.


Whatever I see and read

by Mehrban (not verified) on

Whatever I see and read points to a dire situation on the ground in Gaza. Death, injury, starvation, fear, lack of water, food, electricity, medical care. At a time like this all efforts must be concentrated on stopping the suffering by pressuring Israel to stop the its fire.

There will be a time to discuss political nuances or whose fault it really maybe.



by aaminian on

What's the matter, Zion?  Can't stand disagreement?  It looks like you're getting a tad frustrated!  Tough crowd, aye?! 


My Synopsis!

by Immortal Guard! (not verified) on

Israel's goal: Immense punishment of the population by inflicting pain to the maximum.

Hamas' first goal: Palestinian loss of life as propaganda to win world opinion.
Hamas' second goal: Lure Israel into a ground invasion which will eventually lead to Israel's withdrawal and defeat as in Lebanon's 2006 war.

Now this is an interesting scenario: "What would happen if Israel ever got engaged on two fronts by Hezbollah in the North and Hamas in the South?" Maybe Zion can help to elaborate.

To Zion: Nobody should insult others in their comments by calling them names such as morons etc. So please refrain from calling others names.



Dear Iva

by Zion on

You are absolutely right. That is why you are being attacked and ridiculed by morons. It's a fact of life. You better get used to it from now on. Take care of yourself.

Anonymous Observer

Iva - Even If....

by Anonymous Observer on

JJ - Let me explain this to Iva.  Even if what she says is true, here's where Israel is STILL wrong (this is a comment that I left on another thread yesterday):

No one disputes the fact that Hamas is a despicable, messianic group that cares nothing about human life, whether Israeli or Palestinian. For that reason, no one expects anything from Hamas.  The fact of the matter is that the overwhelming majority of Palestinians is Gaza have no choice, under the threat of severe harm or death, but to go along with Hamas.  And the fact that they voted for Hamas does not in of itself say that they agree with Hamas firing rockets into civilian areas in Israel.  In fact, Hamas’s election was a result of desperation, occupation and corruption that they suffered under the previous Palestinian administration, the Fattah, and was more a demonstration of hopelessness than anything else.


All of that being said, why everyone is blaming Israel for this is that unlike Hamas, Israel is country that prides itself as being the only democracy in the Middle East.  It is a member of the United Nations, and as such, it is bound by international treaties and international law.  Moreover, it is the one with superior power, and with superior power comes superior responsibilities.  While Hamas’s rocket firing into Israel is unacceptable, the fact of the matter is that after firing of more then two thousand rockets by Hamas into Israel, there were fewer than five deaths.  Not that ANY death is justified, but the low level of casualty shows that Israel could perhaps have waited a little longer, put more pressure on Egypt (where the material for building the rockets come from) or even taken a much less invasive police action against Hamas instead of this huge military operation that is causing untold number of civilian deaths.  That is why everyone is blaming Israel.  It is because of Israel’s lack of discretion and its willingness to cause massive civilian casualties for something that it very well knows that, at the end of the day, is not even effective.  On that point, here’s a piece by Amos Oz, the Israeli writer / philosopher.



 Hope this clarifies things for you. 



news from Canada

by hajiagha on


گفتم خبر بدم نیک کوثر رفته منترال سر چهار راه سرگردان تو برف ها گیرکرده هنوزهم مشخص نیست تونسته خودشو از سرما نجات بده یا نه .
ابراهیم نبوی هم تابستان آمد ونکور و چون ونکور را بلد نبود و هوا داغ شده بود یک تاکسی می گیرد و با زبان بد انگلیس اش می گوید بندر انزلی لطفا طرف راننده تاکسی هندی بوده ازش به زبان انگلیسی می پرسه دو یو اسپیک اوردو ؟و نبوی میگه بچه بودم می رفتیم اردو با همکلاسی ها مون . خلاصه راننده تاکسی هم تو گرما کلافه می شود و نبوی رو می برد کنار دریا منتها اشتباهی اون جای که لختی ها و هم جنس باز ها می روند برا همین هنوز از سرنوشت نبوی طنز پرداز ماهر ما هیچ خبری نداریم . نیک اهنگ کوثر هم که الان تو منترال یخ زده گذاشتن اش کنار بخاری تا یخ هایش آب بشه . تو جنگل های کانادا هم خبرش رو دارید که که می گویند بزرگ پا یا همان میمون بزرگ برفی رد پایش دوباره دیده شده اما تعجب اینجا ست که به همراه این رد پا یک نسخه نوشته شده برای اکبر گنجی هم با مطلبی از ابزاهیم نبوی و کاریکاتور نیک آهنگ کوثر دیده شده حالا کار شنا س ها مونده اند این چه دست خطی تو تلوزیون کانادا نشان دادند برای اینکه ابرو ریزی نشود زنگ زدم گفتم این دست خط اسکندر مقدونی و ان کاریکاتور هم نقشه جنگ مثل اینکه باور کردند و پرونده رو بستند. پلیس ونکور هم داشت دنبال یک یارو می دوید که ریش بلندی داشت طرف رو گرفتند فکر کردند بن لادن آمده نورت ونکور خوب به عکس طرف نگاه کردم دیدم مرتضی خانعلی خودمونه که کاریکاتور می کشید و سکته مغزی کرد و خونه نشین شد .بیچاره مرتضی و فقر و این هم دست آخری . ببخشید باید برم اداره پلیس کت و شلوار دست دوم خودم رو که از آن زمان در گل آقا می پوشیدم  ببرم گرو بگذارم و داش مرتضی را از اداره پلیس آزاد کنم


We are responsible for our

by Mehrban (not verified) on

We are responsible for our actions. If Israel chooses to destroy Palestinian civilians in order to get to Hamas, It is still responsible for destroying the Palestinian civilians. It is Israel that has decided that lives of Palestinian civilians and their horror is worth getting to Hamas (if that in fact is the purpose). It is this value system that should be in question. and probably is in question by the Cartoon. Often I see the Israeli ambassador on the news program saying that Hamas is solely responsible for the civilian casualties in Gaza. Who is he kidding?

I wonder if Hamas was embedded in a group of Israelis, would Israel have such an easy time to proceed with violence? Or is it that Palestinian lives are expendable?


No doubt in my mind

by Iva (not verified) on

That Israel government is an unjust one which doesn't waste a second to destroy innocent lives, however, saying that Hamas DOES NOT need to hide behind women and children to cause more civilian casualty. As Israelis DO NOT care a bit for lives of Felstinis, so do Hamas which doesn't care for lives of Felestinies. And looking back to Iran-Iraq war, one can remember that how moslem clerics sends thousands to their death simply because the great evil wanted Karbala (i.e. kids died for one man's goal ... that is no different than what Hamas is doing by placing combatant near civilians).

In my opinion, Felstinis suffers because of Israelis and Hamas.


Thank you Jahanshah for

by merban (not verified) on

Thank you Jahanshah for calling a spin a spin. I hear too many of these convenient masterful distortions.


Nice to see Hossein Kazem is

by Hossein Kazem-Fan (not verified) on

Nice to see Hossein Kazem is back.
Instead of sending 100's of mostly similar cartoons, only a few but very original.
He knows well about "Less is more!"



by IHI (not verified) on

Iva, for your information Hamas is an elected government! They can do whatever they like, its their land! Do you understand? I have a friend in Rafah who has cancer but cann't get out to get treatment because the borders have been closed for ever! How do u defend that? THERE IS NO GOOD EXCUSE FOR KILLING CHILDREN!


very well done

by Anonymous8 (not verified) on

Thank You Hossein Kazem.

Iva and the rest... will get what is coming to them.

Jahanshah Javid

Great deflection

by Jahanshah Javid on

Nice try Iva! You sure know how to interpret the truth in your favor. It's a good thing that the whole world can see the images of this war and decide which side is more responsible for this tragedy -- by far.


Great representation

by Iva (not verified) on

of what happens when Hamas hides behind women and children.... Hamas will sacrifice every single person in Gaza to get sympathy.