with that groovy logic since Ir-aan > landof Aryan & since self-proclaimed Aryan haters make fun of the medeo-persian heritage of Lurs/kurds & persians and dont consider themselves as such lineage then by looking at the issue thru a humanist & liberal lenz we must respect the wishes of Arabs, Turks, Turkmen & Mongloids and put the name for referendum to please all minorities .
How about;
United ommatie states of ATMA (AraboTurkoMongolAJamo)
& JJ , you need to change your site's name to Atmanian.com
& since Farsi is already %80 arabic & turkish then our national language should be called;
apart! I know British didn't start this on this site! Good thing IRI is gone now and we can finish ourselves! This is the sign of what to come if the regime is gone! Everyone wants to push his agenda! No wonder we are where we are!
With this non-sonse, we won't go far! This only happens when your stomachs are full!
Don't all get your knickers in such a twist (especially the usual racist anti-ethnic minority culprits who never hesiate to call Azeri's, Kurds etc. separatists for merely wanting the right to maintain and practice their language and culture). And if the table of jokes being turned for once makes you so mad then all I have to say is booooo f'ing hoooooo!
Hamsade, you said "my azari friends are proud of their heritage and also proud to be iranian". Correction:Azeris are not just 'also' proud to be Iranians. They ARE Iranians first and foremostand very proud of it. They also, respect, care for and want to freely practice their Azeri culture and language. It is not an either/or question for us and we have no problem keeping both in perspective and not losing sight of our priorities as Iranian nationals. It is the facist Fars (oh sorry Pars!) factions that have a Bush complex of 'you are either with us or against us'.
Thank you Mehran for posting. As an Iranian Azeri, I am certain of my identity and of where the loyalties and that of the majority of my people's lie and our world is therefore not shaken or stirred by a cartoon :)
anti iranian cartoons by iri and now foreign countries
the arabs tried to destroy our language but did not succeed. they called us ajam: especially applied to persians meaning to mumble and speak indistinctly, one who stutters, mute. they introduced the word "pars kardan" instead of "vaagh vaagh kardan" meaning persian is the language of dogs. Our language has been adulterated enough especially in the past 30 years. have you listened to these mullahs on manbar? half of their speech is arabic.
turning to the azaris: our azari people don't associate themselves with people of azarbaijan and turkey. they have their own distinct language and culture. my azari friends are proud of their heritage and also proud to be iranian and i can see how they would be offended by azarbaijan (the country) to make such statement. at least, my friends don't associate themselves with people of azarbaijan and turkey (i ask my azari friends to enlighten me if i'm wrong).
there's nothing wrong with ethnic groups in iran to formally educate their children in the school system with their own language. we could even have several official languages. but for everyone in iran to speak azari in shools, in the government, in the newspapers seem to be a ridiculous proposition.
i'm sure it's not that hard to find anti-iranian cartoons in arabic newspapers. will those anti-iranian cartoons be also published on iranaian.com?
Hala yeh baar an Azari Turk made fun of Farsis. Chi shod? Betoon barkhord? Khoonetoon joosh oomad? Beh namoosetoon tajaavoz shod?
For god knows how long Persians have been telling jokes about Turks and we tell them not to take it seriously and have a sense of humor. Where's YOUR sense of humor?
Look at any cartoon. It's an exaggeration of the truth in order to highlight a message. The message here is that every time Iranian Azaris, Kurds, Arabs... want to celebrate, cherish or promote their language and culture, Farsis accuse them of being traitors.
Well, sooner or later you have to realize that all people, anywhere, have the right to teach and promote their own language and culture. It's a basic human right. If if the majority denies them that right, the least they will do is draw cartoons!
You have published and disseminated a racial discrimination cartoon.
This is a racist cartoon. Without any doubt this cartoon depicts racism against our Persian countrymen.
I am Iranian and Azari, and to me the blue red green colors or the crescent moon symbols have no significance.
by the current regime. By attacking Iranian identity relentlessley over thirty years they are washing away a glue that bounded our nation together for thousends of years. These cartoons are tiny sample of what is happening and what will happen. You have to feel sorry for what ever regime or person that takes over IRR.
If you have an Arabic dialect (Farsi) as national language of Iran then who are we to deny Azaris practicing their own version of zooraki forced language, Seljuk Turkish & wether others approve or not is beside the point and irelevant. In a De-Iranicized culture where Sunni Kurds , as original founding tribes of the ancient Iranic state are treated as 2nd class serfs and below that of a foreign Lebenese , Iraqi or pakistani Shia residing in Iran, it is a joke & an idiotic farce to even talk about a so called national language. Thanks to centuries old ommatie ignorance & the needle that broke the camel's back(IRI) the kiaani glue has washed off.
Isnt me or this cartoon is just a piece of anti-Persian racism, which has been very common in the past few decades. Eventhough the Persians are a majority, they face tremendous racism at the hands of ethnic groups (who are of Iranic origin as well) that are running the country. Whether it be the two brothers from Najaf or the Azeri supreme leader.
The point is, the Persian in this cartoon is depicted as an uneducated shepard while the Azeri (who happens to wear the flag colors of the Russia backed Azerbaijan) is a modern teenager. I think the reality is distorted here.
I would delete this picture JJ, there is freedom of speech and then there is racism. This one clearly is an example of it.
p.s i do support the teaching of local dialects or languages in educational institutions. But as official language? you must be joking.
I think all ethnic groups in Iran should be taught their own language, in addition to Persian, in schools. Speaking, reading in your native tongue is the most basic right one should have. There are many languages and dialects in China, India, Russia... and various ethnic groups who speak them are officially recognized. It brings harmony. It says we respect your culture, even if it's not shared by the majority.
On the other hand I don't agree that Turkish should become the official language in Azarbaijan provinces. But even if it does, through a referendum of some sort, it will not be the end of the world.
Then , the word "Iran" itself is devisive
by SamSamIIII on Sun Feb 14, 2010 03:11 PM PSTwith that groovy logic since Ir-aan > land of Aryan & since self-proclaimed Aryan haters make fun of the medeo-persian heritage of Lurs/kurds & persians and dont consider themselves as such lineage then by looking at the issue thru a humanist & liberal lenz we must respect the wishes of Arabs, Turks, Turkmen & Mongloids and put the name for referendum to please all minorities .
How about;
United ommatie states of ATMA (AraboTurkoMongolAJamo)
& JJ , you need to change your site's name to Atmanian.com
& since Farsi is already %80 arabic & turkish then our national language should be called;
FATIMA (Farsi-Arabo_Turko Islamic Medium of ATMA)
Path of Kiaan Resurrection of True Iran Hoisting Drafshe Kaviaan //iranianidentity.blogspot.com //www.youtube.com/user/samsamsia
by benross on Sun Feb 14, 2010 02:45 PM PSTDo whatever you want, say whatever you want, within this rule.
I guess, the Green must have lost now we're tearing each other
by obama on Sun Feb 14, 2010 02:17 PM PSTapart! I know British didn't start this on this site! Good thing IRI is gone now and we can finish ourselves! This is the sign of what to come if the regime is gone! Everyone wants to push his agenda! No wonder we are where we are!
With this non-sonse, we won't go far! This only happens when your stomachs are full!
Oh Puhleazzzze
by HollyUSA on Sun Feb 14, 2010 02:17 PM PSTDon't all get your knickers in such a twist (especially the usual racist anti-ethnic minority culprits who never hesiate to call Azeri's, Kurds etc. separatists for merely wanting the right to maintain and practice their language and culture). And if the table of jokes being turned for once makes you so mad then all I have to say is booooo f'ing hoooooo!
Hamsade, you said "my azari friends are proud of their heritage and also proud to be iranian". Correction: Azeris are not just 'also' proud to be Iranians. They ARE Iranians first and foremost and very proud of it. They also, respect, care for and want to freely practice their Azeri culture and language. It is not an either/or question for us and we have no problem keeping both in perspective and not losing sight of our priorities as Iranian nationals. It is the facist Fars (oh sorry Pars!) factions that have a Bush complex of 'you are either with us or against us'.
Thank you Mehran for posting. As an Iranian Azeri, I am certain of my identity and of where the loyalties and that of the majority of my people's lie and our world is therefore not shaken or stirred by a cartoon :)
anti iranian cartoons by iri and now foreign countries
by hamsade ghadimi on Sun Feb 14, 2010 01:31 PM PSTthe arabs tried to destroy our language but did not succeed. they called us ajam: especially applied to persians meaning to mumble and speak indistinctly, one who stutters, mute. they introduced the word "pars kardan" instead of "vaagh vaagh kardan" meaning persian is the language of dogs. Our language has been adulterated enough especially in the past 30 years. have you listened to these mullahs on manbar? half of their speech is arabic.
turning to the azaris: our azari people don't associate themselves with people of azarbaijan and turkey. they have their own distinct language and culture. my azari friends are proud of their heritage and also proud to be iranian and i can see how they would be offended by azarbaijan (the country) to make such statement. at least, my friends don't associate themselves with people of azarbaijan and turkey (i ask my azari friends to enlighten me if i'm wrong).
there's nothing wrong with ethnic groups in iran to formally educate their children in the school system with their own language. we could even have several official languages. but for everyone in iran to speak azari in shools, in the government, in the newspapers seem to be a ridiculous proposition.
i'm sure it's not that hard to find anti-iranian cartoons in arabic newspapers. will those anti-iranian cartoons be also published on iranaian.com?
Soooo sensitive :>)
by Jahanshah Javid on Sun Feb 14, 2010 01:11 PM PSTRacism?!!! :)))
Hala yeh baar an Azari Turk made fun of Farsis. Chi shod? Betoon barkhord? Khoonetoon joosh oomad? Beh namoosetoon tajaavoz shod?
For god knows how long Persians have been telling jokes about Turks and we tell them not to take it seriously and have a sense of humor. Where's YOUR sense of humor?
Look at any cartoon. It's an exaggeration of the truth in order to highlight a message. The message here is that every time Iranian Azaris, Kurds, Arabs... want to celebrate, cherish or promote their language and culture, Farsis accuse them of being traitors.
Well, sooner or later you have to realize that all people, anywhere, have the right to teach and promote their own language and culture. It's a basic human right. If if the majority denies them that right, the least they will do is draw cartoons!
Well done JJ jan!
by caramel on Sun Feb 14, 2010 12:51 PM PSTYou have published and disseminated a racial discrimination cartoon.
This is a racist cartoon. Without any doubt this cartoon depicts racism against our Persian countrymen.
I am Iranian and Azari, and to me the blue red green colors or the crescent moon symbols have no significance.
Yet another lovely contribution
by MRX1 on Sun Feb 14, 2010 12:45 PM PSTby the current regime. By attacking Iranian identity relentlessley over thirty years they are washing away a glue that bounded our nation together for thousends of years. These cartoons are tiny sample of what is happening and what will happen. You have to feel sorry for what ever regime or person that takes over IRR.
Why the hell not
by SamSamIIII on Sun Feb 14, 2010 12:25 PM PSTIf you have an Arabic dialect (Farsi) as national language of Iran then who are we to deny Azaris practicing their own version of zooraki forced language, Seljuk Turkish & wether others approve or not is beside the point and irelevant. In a De-Iranicized culture where Sunni Kurds , as original founding tribes of the ancient Iranic state are treated as 2nd class serfs and below that of a foreign Lebenese , Iraqi or pakistani Shia residing in Iran, it is a joke & an idiotic farce to even talk about a so called national language. Thanks to centuries old ommatie ignorance & the needle that broke the camel's back(IRI) the kiaani glue has washed off.
baash taa baam-e dolatat bedamad
kin hanooz az natayej-e sahar asst
Path of Kiaan Resurrection of True Iran Hoisting Drafshe Kaviaan //iranianidentity.blogspot.com //www.youtube.com/user/samsamsia
This is anti Persian racism!
by spatima on Sun Feb 14, 2010 11:22 AM PSTIsnt me or this cartoon is just a piece of anti-Persian racism, which has been very common in the past few decades. Eventhough the Persians are a majority, they face tremendous racism at the hands of ethnic groups (who are of Iranic origin as well) that are running the country. Whether it be the two brothers from Najaf or the Azeri supreme leader.
The point is, the Persian in this cartoon is depicted as an uneducated shepard while the Azeri (who happens to wear the flag colors of the Russia backed Azerbaijan) is a modern teenager. I think the reality is distorted here.
I would delete this picture JJ, there is freedom of speech and then there is racism. This one clearly is an example of it.
p.s i do support the teaching of local dialects or languages in educational institutions. But as official language? you must be joking.
In hope of a Free, Independent and Secular Iran
Well said JJ jan!
by Nader on Sun Feb 14, 2010 11:12 AM PSTIt's a respectful way of dealing with all ethnic groups in our country, as far as we keep all of our States under one flag.
Unity is the key!
Long live the GREEN movement!
Ethnic languages
by Jahanshah Javid on Sun Feb 14, 2010 10:41 AM PSTI think all ethnic groups in Iran should be taught their own language, in addition to Persian, in schools. Speaking, reading in your native tongue is the most basic right one should have. There are many languages and dialects in China, India, Russia... and various ethnic groups who speak them are officially recognized. It brings harmony. It says we respect your culture, even if it's not shared by the majority.
On the other hand I don't agree that Turkish should become the official language in Azarbaijan provinces. But even if it does, through a referendum of some sort, it will not be the end of the world.