Now that explains why you are such upstanding individual, we owe it to that long and massive chomagh that keep you so upright ha :)
VPK: very true, Shah was never as viscous as this monster and at least the country was forward looking not like this bastard that is taking the country back to 14 century.
Rather an attack on a regime claiming to be revolutionary, Iranian, Democratic, yet anti all above.
So let's not play into Islamist Khalifa's hands and fight between each other. Iran's biggest enemy today is no other entity than the Islamist regime. No other entity external or Internal , since Arab invasion of our country 1400 years ago, has caused as much damage to Iran and Iranians as these traitors
But that's only my humble opinion,
That's right brother, Shah never left (i.e., Na'Raft) and will
But the only thing that indeed can be said "Raft" was the long and massive chomagh in those peoples' (conjure up) who thought mullahs would deliver them free petrol!?
difference. Shah was as modernizing force. He knew how to deal with other nations. Khomeini was a regressive force. Itching to pick fights. Just exactly what the Marxist and Islamist morons wanted. As the Marxist; Islamist morons still want.
Just for the sake of argument, let’s make a list of commonalities between the two regimes:
A disarmed people, prisons, torture, oppression and absence of same freedoms - although with varying degrees as determined by the social conditions, same armed forces with the deletion of some generals and officers and addition of some coup control branches, foreign and domestic investment in bed with a corrupt government, and most importantly uninterrupted flow of oil to and through Persian Gulf.
Now let’s consider the ease of transition in 1979, followed by pardoning of the armed forces, followed by disarming people.If we can get beyond emotions and dig deep, there is a pattern here.What we can take away from and knowing this pattern is the key to not being fooled again and achieving all the ideals that we want for Iran.
It all started with the latest fatwa by Khamenei in which he declared everyone must obey him, the same way that everyone should obey an absolute ruler:
God Bless his sole who modernized the country.he will never be forgotten for what he is done and his achivements and still every day in every household in iran people talk about him and their life at his time and they show their photos to their kids and compare their life with now.
Why we even compare Shah with this rozekhoneh. Shah at least gave the socity their social and personal freedom+ Iran had a good image throughout the world.
By judging on our leaders, everybody in the world thinks Iran belongs to stone age era.
OK, Shah was a dictator, thief, .... and you and your kind of people didn't want him and you backed the Khomeini up to bring the heaven to earth, didn't you ?. We have idiots who think they know everything but to know something they don't think. They call those who were patriots, the traitors, and those who felt "Nothing" about Iran, heroes and saviors. Sheep will always be sheep because they don't think, they just follow.
pastor Bill redneck:
by Bavafa on Tue Jul 27, 2010 05:22 PM PDTThey did say and made a note of it how you took it with ease. no surprise there!!!
P.S. you are getting a taste of your rude manner towards countless others. Be careful what you wish for with your rudeness.
Bavaf, why don't ask you mother! or your abji!?
by pastor bill rennick on Tue Jul 27, 2010 05:10 PM PDTThey would tell you!
pastor Bill redneck:
by Bavafa on Tue Jul 27, 2010 05:07 PM PDTNow that explains why you are such upstanding individual, we owe it to that long and massive chomagh that keep you so upright ha :)
VPK: very true, Shah was never as viscous as this monster and at least the country was forward looking not like this bastard that is taking the country back to 14 century.
I see this cartoon not an attack on the Shah
by fooladi on Tue Jul 27, 2010 05:07 PM PDTRather an attack on a regime claiming to be revolutionary, Iranian, Democratic, yet anti all above.
So let's not play into Islamist Khalifa's hands and fight between each other. Iran's biggest enemy today is no other entity than the Islamist regime. No other entity external or Internal , since Arab invasion of our country 1400 years ago, has caused as much damage to Iran and Iranians as these traitors
But that's only my humble opinion,
That's right brother, Shah never left (i.e., Na'Raft) and will
by pastor bill rennick on Tue Jul 27, 2010 04:44 PM PDTnever leave from our hearths and minds!
But the only thing that indeed can be said "Raft" was the long and massive chomagh in those peoples' (conjure up) who thought mullahs would deliver them free petrol!?
God bless the Shah!
Just One
by Veiled Prophet of Khorasan on Tue Jul 27, 2010 04:09 PM PDTdifference. Shah was as modernizing force. He knew how to deal with other nations. Khomeini was a regressive force. Itching to pick fights. Just exactly what the Marxist and Islamist morons wanted. As the Marxist; Islamist morons still want.
Shah naraft
by benross on Tue Jul 27, 2010 03:50 PM PDTIf this was posted the first day Khomeini came to Iran, with his picture and the crown, it could be genuine.
Now it's just another manifest of guilt ridden bunch trying to justify somehow, some parts of their beloved IRI.
Khar khodeti.
to U this is unfair
by rtayebi1 on Tue Jul 27, 2010 03:46 PM PDTto the rest of us this is soo true. A few degree up or a few degree down
Same or not?
by bachenavvab on Tue Jul 27, 2010 03:40 PM PDTJust for the sake of argument, let’s make a list of commonalities between the two regimes:
A disarmed people, prisons, torture, oppression and absence of same freedoms - although with varying degrees as determined by the social conditions, same armed forces with the deletion of some generals and officers and addition of some coup control branches, foreign and domestic investment in bed with a corrupt government, and most importantly uninterrupted flow of oil to and through Persian Gulf.
Now let’s consider the ease of transition in 1979, followed by pardoning of the armed forces, followed by disarming people. If we can get beyond emotions and dig deep, there is a pattern here. What we can take away from and knowing this pattern is the key to not being fooled again and achieving all the ideals that we want for Iran.
Nikahang got it right
by ghalam-doon on Tue Jul 27, 2010 02:09 PM PDT//
It all started with the latest fatwa by Khamenei in which he declared everyone must obey him, the same way that everyone should obey an absolute ruler:
couldnt have been put any better
by spatima on Tue Jul 27, 2010 12:54 PM PDTthough i must say, no matter how autocratic the shah
atleast he was:
1) an iranian
2) cared for the country
In hope of a Free, Independent, Democratic and Secular Iran
get the right crown
by afshinazad on Tue Jul 27, 2010 10:27 AM PDTGod Bless his sole who modernized the country.he will never be forgotten for what he is done and his achivements and still every day in every household in iran people talk about him and their life at his time and they show their photos to their kids and compare their life with now.
Shah is not even comparable to this Mordeshoreh
by statira on Tue Jul 27, 2010 09:26 AM PDTWhy we even compare Shah with this rozekhoneh. Shah at least gave the socity their social and personal freedom+ Iran had a good image throughout the world.
By judging on our leaders, everybody in the world thinks Iran belongs to stone age era.
At Least Get The Crown Right ...
by Darius Kadivar on Tue Jul 27, 2010 08:17 AM PDTin your Republican delirium ...
Vive La Republique de Mon ...
Recommended Blog:
In Memoriam ...Rest In Peace My King ...
by seannewyork on Tue Jul 27, 2010 06:48 AM PDTthis is stupid, not even something to compare. the propoganda machine still at work against the shah.
history will judge him when iran is free, but not when it is a brainwashed nation.
There is no similarity between the two regims?
by Amir Sahameddin Ghiassi on Tue Jul 27, 2010 06:06 AM PDTWho sees any similarity between these two regimes? I do not see any.
by Ferfereh on Tue Jul 27, 2010 05:20 AM PDTOK, Shah was a dictator, thief, .... and you and your kind of people didn't want him and you backed the Khomeini up to bring the heaven to earth, didn't you ?. We have idiots who think they know everything but to know something they don't think. They call those who were patriots, the traitors, and those who felt "Nothing" about Iran, heroes and saviors. Sheep will always be sheep because they don't think, they just follow.
Retarded me!
by comrade on Tue Jul 27, 2010 04:48 AM PDTI had no idea of the site: unity4iran, which appears to be a good one.
Thanks, GS.