Showing Your Body on Webcam


Question: I have not yet seen my suitor. I contact him by phone and email. In the near future we plan to see each other via computer camera (he does not live in Iran) and he wants to see me without my hejab. Is it ok if he takes a look at me? Also would it be a sin if he comes to Iran and sees me one more time without my hejab?

Response from Ayatollah Seyyed Mohammad Sadegh Rohani: It's not a problem if both of you intend to get married. He can even look at your entire body, but not for long; only enough for your suitor to decide for sure if you have what he's looking for.

04/05/2011 - 14:54

khaleh mosheh

Dear Divaneh

by khaleh mosheh on

Thanks again for your excellent question about eating unhealthy portions of apple by this fellow adam. Again I approached my Ayatollah in Najaf for clarification but his excellency was unavailable. He had taken his donkey for his constitutional daily walk  but he had come back somewhat injured under uncertain circumstances and as far as we can tell he had taken his male donkey  in error or a ride  (The male donkey is taken out by the Ayatollah's  servants and the Ayatollah usually takes the female donkey for a ride).  I must admit when I think of the love the Ayatollah has for the gods creatures, I always feel a little tearful.

So I am unable to give you an official anwer as to how much sin can be commited by eating too much apple, although vaguely I recall an original test case documented in the doctrine that certainly eating certain strain of apple can not only be bad for you, it will be bad for all your family including your partner and offsprings. So I guess the moral of the story is that one must avoid giving to temptations at all costs. 

I apologise if my answer is inadequate for your needs. I will look into the case of this Adam and his apple eating to see if it has generated any further theological discussions to enlighten us further. If I find any useful information I shall put in further additional comments. 

With best wishes



How did I miss this one?

by divaneh on

Sounds excellent to me. Based on this verdict I suggest that instead of messing about with offering tea to their suitors, girls should do a bit of private table dancing for him and that will be a lot more fun.

Thanks Khaleh Mosheh for educating me about the logarithmic behaviour of the sin. I wonder if you could help give me some understanding about the index of the sin committed by Adam the apple eater.

khaleh mosheh

Dear Bavafa

by khaleh mosheh on

Let me apologize for the delay in getting back to you- I had to have a comprehensive discussion with my Marja yesterday. He has asked me to convey the following points;

Firstly you pose a series of very interesting and advanced question on this topic. By posing these questions and helping to advance the frontiers of our holy shia jurisprudence, you already have gained negative sin index points (otherwise known as Savab index points). If you so wish you can spend these points by staring at the body of your putative intended for longer. 

To answer your other questions,

 1) If she did not have leg- You will not have credit to use for other parts as if no legs then there is no anatomical region that needs evaluation. The time is non transferable. You also stimulate a very intersting debate about the linearity of the unit of sin relationship with time stared. This is a very controversial issue and the expert opinion is divided on the matter. The school of thought in Najaf says that indeed it is linear however some esteemed experts in Qum are advancing that the sin unit is related in a logarithmic fashion to the time.

2) with regards to mutual credit exchange- This is not permitted. Unfortunately if you both look excessively at the webcam pictures then both will be incurring sin points. My marja said to congratulate you for trying to be creative and said it was a good try but the god almighty was not born yesterday to fall for that one (he incidentally started to go into the various theories of when actually the god almighty was  born but my feeble mind was unable to follow all the highly intelectual arguements on this particular point). 

Hope these anwers are sufficient for your need but I am happy to either convey futher questions for you to my Marja or alternativey  will be able to let you have his contact details.

With best wishes





Khale moshe: Are there any provisions for credit for unused time

by Bavafa on

By that I mean, do you get any credit for the amount of time you did not use or can you barrow time from one segment and apply it to another segment. If so, would the credit be a one-to-one unit or is it based on the "K" factor?


How about if she did not have legs or if you did not care about the face? Can you skip those parts and use the earned time to apply to other parts such as the chest or pelvis? Also is the unit of sin linear?

Lastly, would I get any credit for showing my body parts [to her] in exchange? Can I look at her chest for 6 minutes if she look at my legs for 1 minute based on the K factor? Or is it more like inheratance that women get 1 unit for every 2 unit that goes to men?



More X-rated and stupid Q&A from this Mullah

by IranFirst on


Never minfd the sick Mullah, who are the idiots that have to ask these-Answer: the Muslims , who like robots can't decide and have to be told what to do


 نگاه كردن به عكس برهنه همسر به قصد استمناء


اگر مردي براي ارضاء شدن،از دست خود و بدن زنش استفاده كند


سوال: لطفا بهترين شرايط انعقاد نطفه


ريختن منى در رحم موجب عده است


ترميم بكارت جائز است؛ هرچند كه ازاله بكارت از طريق زنا باشد.


 زني دختر شيرخواره دارد هم زمان،‌ پسر بيگانه


  آيا زني كه در عده وفات است مي تواند از خانه خارج شود ؟



اگر كسي زني را گرفت و بعد از عقد معلوم شد كه زن كچل است يا يك چشم مصنوعي دارد



 آيا پسرخوانده كه شوهر مادرشوهر است با دخترزوجه اش محرم است؟


اگر تعداد دوشيزگان كه به آنها وطي صورت گرفته بيش از يك نفر يا تا بيست نفر باشد


تزريقات مرد به زن و بالعكس


دست دادن با خواهر زن جايز است يا نه؟


به زن خارجي چطور بايد صيغه را فهماند ؟


حکم كسي در هنگام حيض با زن خود نزديكي كند



Anahid Hojjati

baz meegan IRI peeshraft nakarde

by Anahid Hojjati on

hameen dorooze kiros shod coach and khanomha Ok shodand ke dar webcam lokht shavand. Deege nageed Jumhoree eslami peeshraft nadashte.


I knew it, morally that was the right thing to do.

by عموجان on

I use to tell to all my girlfriends I plan to married them so after test drive I say I changed my mind. After word I always felt bad doing that. Now I don’t feel bad any more.

you got to love Mullahs.


Hamsadeh ghadimi

by comments on

Your comment was hellarious.  Please let me know if she did that :)

khaleh mosheh

When I asked

by khaleh mosheh on

my marja in Najaf about this he said, in Islam for the purpose of making a decision on getting married each segment of body (1- head and neck, 2-chest, 3-arms,4-abdomen, 5- plevis and 6- legs ) can be looked at for 30 seconds in order to make a decision regarding marriage.

He adds that It will be sinful to look more than 30 seconds at each anatomical part. The degree of sin that once incures ( each unit of sin is defined as being equivalent to 0.1% of total sins commited by a reference person-the shia doctinres have defined him as the servant to Imam Reza- The reference man's main source of sin came from providing too much unwashed grapes for holiness Imam Reza) is calculated from

total Sin index= Sum of [(additional seconds per part) X K]

Where K is related to the anatomical region. For example head and neck has a K=0.5 and the junction of pelvis and legs has a K=3.

Following this enlightening conversation with my Shia source of emulation, It became evident that one can completely change the course of where one ends up in the after life by gawking too long in the nether regions.

 May god have much much mercy upon my soul. I hope the readers will find it in themselves to say a prayer to the almighty to save my soul from eternal punishment by lucifer in the purgatory. Thank you!


hamsade ghadimi

حالا با این

hamsade ghadimi

حالا با این نصیحت فردا دختره لخت و عور میره رو وِبکَم پسره شاخ در میاره.  میگه شانس آوردیم قبل از اینکه کار از کار بگذره این پتیاره رو شناختیم.


True story

by comments on

The subject seems funny, but there are so many things behind this.  Some of these discussions in Iran act as whore houses in other Asian countries.  Mullas and questioning people get turn on.  This is a true story:

I remember a religous and so simple Iranian widow who used to work for us went to a mulla's house to ask some questions.  When she returned we realized that the mulla was sitting with Pijama with open legs in front of this lady.  The mulla didn't have underwear and there was a big hole on his pijama between two legs.  When people talk about Western value in sex regards I remember this types of action in Iran and all whore houses in Asian countries.  I have no idea what West has to do with it.

David ET

And here she is exposing herself

by David ET on

Maryam Hojjat

Idiot who aske & Idiot who answers

by Maryam Hojjat on

all are idiot who ask from a bunch mollah e motkhor & Besavad. 

Anahid Hojjati

Thanks Amir for posting

by Anahid Hojjati on

So funny. They say one time but who is to count?


Webcam nudity becomes legal in Iran?

by comments on

No problem for both sides or one side :)

I meant if there was not a problem for both man and woman.  What about if the woman wants to see man's subject?  What about if the man wants to see more of the woman in different angles?

In my opinion these are all personal decisions, and there is no guidelines for that.  Idiots who ASK and idiots who answer.