Government Taking Action on Dying Lake

"Some" protesters are politicizing problem

AFP: The drying up of Iran's largest saltwater lake is an "environmental issue" but some people seek to politicise it, media on Monday quoted the vice president for environmental affairs as charging. "The issue of Lake Orumiyeh is an environmental challenge," Mohammad Javad Mohammadi-Zadeh, who is also head of Iran's Environmental Protection Organisation, told reporters after a cabinet session on Sunday. "(But) some want to exploit the situation, politicise it and mount a social campaign," Mohammadi-Zadeh said. Mohammadi-Zadeh said on Sunday that the government was ready to finance a plan which envisages "resolving the lake's problems in a five-year project >>>


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Only one solution

by BibiGol on

Iran did not learn from the disaster of Lake Aral in Russia.  When the Russians diverted the rivers flowing into it to irrigate land in other areas, the lake dried to less than half and the salt was blown over the cotton fields miles away and nearly destroyed all of them.

Iran is wrong in believing that they can divert water from the Arax to this lake, because that in itself will cause its own problems -- maybe a similar one in the Caspian Sea.

 The IRI has been playing a dangerous game of playing with water resources in Iran.  We will see its other major disaster which will be the result of selling the water of Karkheh to the Kuwaitis, so that they can waste more water and have greener lawns.  We have seen the disaster caused by diverting waters going to the Zayandeh Rud.

 The ONLY way this lake can be saved is to break the dam(s) built on the rivers that flow into it.  The fields in Western Azarbaijan have managed to this date and will manage with the amount of water they have.  The disaster caused by a drying salt water lake is much greater than a low level of crops.  These ecosystems are very fragile.

 My hat is off to the people who have been wisened and are demonstrating against the irrisponsibility of the IRI.


OMG The IRI has a 5 year Plan!!!!!!!!!

by amirparvizforsecularmonarchy on

Look Out Azeris, and kiss the lake good bye.

Using the Iranian Economic Plan as an example, or even the Bushehr plant opening date (originally 1999), this plan is going to need a tough audience to withstand the pure humiliation that will take place watching fellow chimpanzees try and co-ordinate a rescue plan with Gorillas and Orangutans.

Mullahs are on their way out, the thing is no one bothered to tell them yet : )


Nothing short of

by Simorgh5555 on

Nothing short of replenishing the water from the Araz river can save Uruniyeh now.


5 year project for what?

by choghok on

5 year project he says:

If they really cared they would have started doing something before the lake was dead and people started to ask for improvement, now they want to buy time so people would get busy by their every day problems and forget about the lake.

The  list of destroyed naturaltreasures are getting long: Isfahan the siosepol, the roof of bazar in Isfahan was changed to isogam and so it has started to destroy the building as well since it has had reverse effect, making the structure hot in summers and cold in winters.

The Bam citadel has not been touched since the earthquake,  all historic sites are mistreated by the officials and by the tourists, you just need to look at aliqapu in Isfahan to see how people carved their names in the wall paintings and officials do not care.

 Going to picturesqe places like Kandovan you see ugly brick constructions being built right in front of the villages. And now putting a bridge in a lake and killing it. Wonder just how many years of IRI it takes to remove it of all signs of civilisation, maybe 5 more years.


OK, we settle for smacks in the face then :)

by Roozbeh_Gilani on

You are not being lecturish at all Rafigh. I value honest critical thinking and words coming from someone like you a great deal, and I am being very serious about this......

Not being connected to Karoubi/Mousavi is an advantage for this movement, in my opinion. Working classes are well representated within the dempos by the look of the videos. the question is if it is an organised participation led by their own labor unions/political party. I have seen no evidence of that yet. But these are early days.

"Personal business must yield to collective interest."


Ouch, that hurts!

by Hooshang Tarreh-Gol on

And I'm not even on the receiving end of it!

Rozbeh jan, we're all mighty pissed, but cracking skulls is not really a contribution. How about a few good smacks in the face to momentarily nuteralize them, and leave them immobile, but not killing them!

Most unfortuantely we have had such a long, 'distinguished' and infamous history of violence, that  adding more to it won't really help anything all that much. Me thinks (and you might not agree) we should seriously cut down on any resort or allusions to violence in our words, actions and thoughts. Rasons for this are very simple, and I believe we've gone over them before , so I won't bother you again. Adavnce apologies if this sounds a bit  'lecturish.'

One hundred thousands (or more) Azarbyajani's this coming Friday will demonstrate to IR and the world the limits of violence. An independent, radical, mass, non-violent action of that scale shall be a great start for a renewd national movemnt throught out Iran. It's about time, cheers


Thanks for the update Hooshang.

by Roozbeh_Gilani on

The protests in Azarbaijan, although at smaller scale, had one key  advantage over the post election "Green" demos of 2009. The azari people are not being led by a bunch of knee jerk ex_regime "reformers" and their elderly west residing Gucce intellectual peace-nic "civil rights" demanding had beens of allies.

The Azari People are showing the clear path to victory to the rest of Iranians. They are showing the rest of us that you dont  achieve your rigthtfull demands from  Neo_Nazi islamists by "peacefull demos". You gain it by cracking their f**king shiat sculls....  

"Personal business must yield to collective interest."


IRI's challenges

by Arj on

Being unable to come up with modern solutions for the 21st century challenges, IRI's staple reactions are denial, violence or a combination of both! So far it has gotten away with snuffing political dissent with the use of violence and economic challenges with either categorically denying or hiding them under manufactured statistics. 

However, tackling environmental challenges is beyound IRI's abilities due to its lack of aptitude. It may be able to violently clamp down on public protests, but it can not hide a drying lake or disappearing rivers and lagoons behind fake statistics and make-believe reports! It's indeed out there for the whole world to see!


Dandeye een Majles Narm She

by statira on

Een karo az aval mikardeed.


اولين عقب نشينی سران در مقابل اعتراضات مردم آذربايجان!

Hooshang Tarreh-Gol

جربه نشان داده است که حضور 100 هزار جمعيت در
استاديوم آزادی هرگونه فرصت برخورد و درگيری را از نيروهای امنيتی گرفته و
فرصتی است برای نشان دادن اعتراض به حاکميت سرکوبگر. از اين جهت جوانان سعی
دارند اين فرصت را غنيمت شمرده در اين روز در استاديوم حاضر شوند.

از سوی ديگر، فضای کنونی شهرهای آذربايجان، به ويژه تبريز و اروميه، هم
چنان امنيتی است. در ميادين اصلی اين شهر، هم چنان نيروهای امنيتی مستقر
هستند، افسران نيروی انتظامي، لباس شخصی ها و تعدادی از نيروهای سپاه
پاسداران و بسيج. اما مرد مآذربايجان عزم و ارده کرده اند اين فضا را
بکشنند و زمينه را برای دست زدن به اقدامات سياسي،اجتماعی و فرهنگی موثر
عليه حکومت اسلامي، مساعد سازند.

مسلما، دفاع از زيست محيطی سراسر ايران، به ويژه درياچه اروميه، وظيفه
آگاهانه و داوطلبانه جنبش کارگري، جنبش زنان، جنبش دانش جويي، روزنامه
نگاران، نويسندگان، هنرمندان و همه مردم تحت ستم و آزادی خواه است.


A Hopeless Case!

by Tavana on

This is not a matter of 'huge challenge.' It is not of the 'political' agenda. It is absolutely not of the 'Iranians' or of any other nation which could do anything to handle the technical angles of the project. It is not a matter of the 'big money' spent to fix the problem. It is simply too late to do anything @ this stage to come up with a successful outcome. Our country environmental problems are enormous accumulating almost daily. Our estuaries/lakes/rivers/water sheds have been mistreated and have taken in all sorts of hazardous wastes/solid wastes/toxic wastes from industries/sewer discharges/farms runoffs/slaughter houses/etc. for many decades even before the current regime with no government oversights & no efforts to clean'em up. This lake like the one in Isfahan & like Karoon in Khoramshahr will dry soon & transfering water from remote locations will not bring the 'dead' lake back. Please do not blame either GOD or the drought for our incompetency to clean up our own house! Thanks.

Ari Siletz

Hopeful news

by Ari Siletz on

The Lake Oroumieh problem is a huge challenge. Iranians have--or will acquire--whatever it takes to handle the technical angles of the project. Let's see how well they do with the economic, sociological and political aspects. Best of luck to everyone working towards a successful outcome.