دلم گرفته می خوام ناله کنم
یک چیزی را بدین پاره کنم
عزیزان صیهونیست ناراحت و مگسی نباشند! تمام مشکلات با برگشت شما عزیزان به خانه همه مشکلات حل میشود!!
عجب حيوان بدخويى
تو گويى قصد اين دارد
كه ايران را
به ياراى
دو صد مزدور
در الحاق خود ارد
وليكن او نمىداند
كه اين نسل جوان ما
دمار از روزگار
يابوى سركش
و يارانش برون ارد
يقينا احمدى و احمدى ها
حاصل دست
همين حيوان بد خويند
Not really if once notices the key word 'believers' in the original comment. The % of such among the 2 mentioned crowds & among the Christians might be 0.00001 or even less! Please ask GOD himself about the real 3 figures!
PS: Perhaps the word 'dupe' was not the right one to use! Owing a sincere apology to PN!
Ahmadinejad Jewish? / Israel accurately portrayed in cartoon?
The Telegraph newspaper and other media sources (that have vastly supplemented that story) report that because Mr. Ahmadinejad originally comes from an Iranian-Jewish family he is overcompensating for this fact to shed any suspicions about his Jewish roots.
4. Israel's spy agency director is on the record as saying Israel helped killed Iranians during the Iraq/Iran war to increase the number of Iranian casualties and cause damage to property.
The Idea of god is in ruins thanks to USA, IRI and Israel, the religous extremist right are the schemers in any country as they promote their dirty values and this is regardless of which religion they represent, they are the corrupt and intolerant actors of today.
"& to "F' such a "Praiseworthy GOD" is extremely offensive to both Jews & Muslims believers!" Not at all, the opposite is true actually, any true believer realizes that what ever god, the extremist corrupt authorities hide behind, that God is Not Praiseworthy and is fair game if it involves itself in Politics. If muslims do not condemn Extremists, Al-quaeda, Khomeini, AN, Khameneii, and jews can not condemn their extremists BiBi and Christians do not condemn their extremists like Carter/bush etc then they are mistaken, the gods of these Leaders are not praise worthy at all and need to be condemned by all true believers in addition to the leaders.
Although they don't look alike in physical terms, but resemblence in spirit is uncanny! Both fake representatives of their peoples who ride on the tides of fear and hatred, both demagogues and big-mouths who are willing to scarifice other people's blood and treasure for their petty ideological nuances...
Ahmed: From the Arabic word "Hamd" that means to praise in English
Yahoo: Summoning GOD in both Arabic & Hebrew
Ahmed-in-Yahoo: Praiseworthy GOD
& to "F' such is extremely offensive to both Jews & Muslims believers!
PS: PN below is alraedy duped & is using the "F" word to offend 'Ayatollah' rather using the straight Bibi's name. And that is what exactly zionists mullahs expected by coming up with sush dirty scheme!
Well done...
by Bavafa on Sat Mar 24, 2012 08:34 AM PDTThe two side of the same coin ought to be rejected by all.
'Hambastegi' is the main key to victory
دلم گرفته می
مآمورSat Mar 24, 2012 08:04 AM PDT
دلم گرفته می خوام ناله کنم
یک چیزی را بدین پاره کنم
عزیزان صیهونیست ناراحت و مگسی نباشند! تمام مشکلات با برگشت شما عزیزان به خانه همه مشکلات حل میشود!!
I wear an Omega watch
نتن يابو چه ميخواهد ز جان ملت ايران
ahosseiniSat Mar 24, 2012 04:23 AM PDT
عجب حيوان بدخويى
تو گويى قصد اين دارد
كه ايران را
به ياراى
دو صد مزدور
در الحاق خود ارد
وليكن او نمىداند
كه اين نسل جوان ما
دمار از روزگار
يابوى سركش
و يارانش برون ارد
يقينا احمدى و احمدى ها
حاصل دست
همين حيوان بد خويند
Believe in a democracy that leaders and representatives are controlled by members at all times.
by maziar 58 on Fri Mar 23, 2012 06:50 PM PDTmollahs in Iran...
passed their expiration date TIME 2003 Iraq invasion.
they've got to GO.
Bachelor Bibi is in Demand!
by Faramarz on Fri Mar 23, 2012 04:05 PM PDTThe Regimi crowd are falling all over each other for Bachelor Bibi!
The good Doctor is in cardiac arrest and needs a defibrillators shock.
I thought BiBi was getting married to Maryam Rajavi!?
by Oon Yaroo on Fri Mar 23, 2012 03:54 PM PDTHow can he be with both Maryam and Ahmadinehad?
So paranoid....?
by Demo on Fri Mar 23, 2012 03:45 PM PDTNot really if once notices the key word 'believers' in the original comment. The % of such among the 2 mentioned crowds & among the Christians might be 0.00001 or even less! Please ask GOD himself about the real 3 figures!
PS: Perhaps the word 'dupe' was not the right one to use! Owing a sincere apology to PN!
Ahmadinejad Jewish? / Israel accurately portrayed in cartoon?
by ILoveIran on Fri Mar 23, 2012 03:38 PM PDTThe Telegraph newspaper and other media sources (that have vastly supplemented that story) report that because Mr. Ahmadinejad originally comes from an Iranian-Jewish family he is overcompensating for this fact to shed any suspicions about his Jewish roots.
Secondly, and more importantly, it's silly to suggest Israel does not seek to harm Iranians when:
1. High-ranking members of the Netanyahu government called for the mass starvation of Iranian civilians.
2. Israel supports terror groups like, Jundallah (Al-Qaeda affiliated suicide bombers that detonate bombs among civilians in public places in Iran).
3. Israel supports the terror cult Rajavis/MEK (that do the same things Jundallah does - kill and brainwash people).
4. Israel's spy agency director is on the record as saying Israel helped killed Iranians during the Iraq/Iran war to increase the number of Iranian casualties and cause damage to property.
by Red Wine on Fri Mar 23, 2012 03:21 PM PDTچه ساده لوح میبایستی باشی گر تصور کنی این دو در این بحث کارهای هستند.
هیچ ایرانی حاضر نیست که به اسرائیل حمله شود،رابطه ما پارسیان با یهودیان بسیار عمیق،گرم و دوستانه است.
همیشه سبز باشید.
DEMO you are so paranoid
by amirparvizforsecularmonarchy on Fri Mar 23, 2012 03:12 PM PDT"On Ahmed-in-Yahoo= Praiseworthy GOD"
The Idea of god is in ruins thanks to USA, IRI and Israel, the religous extremist right are the schemers in any country as they promote their dirty values and this is regardless of which religion they represent, they are the corrupt and intolerant actors of today.
"& to "F' such a "Praiseworthy GOD" is extremely offensive to both Jews & Muslims believers!" Not at all, the opposite is true actually, any true believer realizes that what ever god, the extremist corrupt authorities hide behind, that God is Not Praiseworthy and is fair game if it involves itself in Politics. If muslims do not condemn Extremists, Al-quaeda, Khomeini, AN, Khameneii, and jews can not condemn their extremists BiBi and Christians do not condemn their extremists like Carter/bush etc then they are mistaken, the gods of these Leaders are not praise worthy at all and need to be condemned by all true believers in addition to the leaders.
by Arj on Fri Mar 23, 2012 02:01 PM PDTAlthough they don't look alike in physical terms, but resemblence in spirit is uncanny! Both fake representatives of their peoples who ride on the tides of fear and hatred, both demagogues and big-mouths who are willing to scarifice other people's blood and treasure for their petty ideological nuances...
Excellent work.., beautiful depiction!
Of being duped......
by پندارنیک on Fri Mar 23, 2012 01:56 PM PDTThe only other option for the Zionist designer would have been: "Fuck you Mahmoudamin"............I don't blame them for not taking it!
by Demo on Fri Mar 23, 2012 01:45 PM PDTAhmed: From the Arabic word "Hamd" that means to praise in English
Yahoo: Summoning GOD in both Arabic & Hebrew
Ahmed-in-Yahoo: Praiseworthy GOD
& to "F' such is extremely offensive to both Jews & Muslims believers!
PS: PN below is alraedy duped & is using the "F" word to offend 'Ayatollah' rather using the straight Bibi's name. And that is what exactly zionists mullahs expected by coming up with sush dirty scheme!
Of fucking one, for the pleasure of two.......
by پندارنیک on Fri Mar 23, 2012 01:08 PM PDTFuck you Ayatollah Bibi.