Clash of civilization

Photo essay: Protest at Tehran University

by Mehdi Ghaemi & Javad Moghimi

Photo sources: State-run/funded news organizatrions ISNA and Fars News, which called the gathering "illegal". See also photos by Zohre SadryNejad: "Cry freedom". Videos here.

TEHRAN (Reuters) – An "illegal splinter group" of an Iranian student body caused damage and clashed with security personnel during a gathering at Iran's largest university on Sunday, the official IRNA news agency reported... Student protests have been relatively rare in recent years in Iran, which is embroiled in a nuclear row with the United States and is often criticized by Western rights groups for cracking down on dissent at home. Liberal-minded students and academics have criticized President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad for clamping down on dissent on campuses. The president and his government say they support free speech and welcome constructive opposition. Ahmadinejad is expected to seek another four-year term in an election next June>>>



Akh joon enghelab dareh misheh!

by Soosoolshahi (not verified) on

So, we can go back to our Saltanat Abad mansion that my late daddy made with his own bare hands.


Free Education

by fereydoon (not verified) on

These students should be sent to the Canadian or American Universities to pay tuition fees ,then they will find out what the freedom is. What happens there is the result of free education.

Red Wine


by Red Wine on

با اين كارا به هيچ جا نميرسيم.بايد ريشه انها را زد. ريشه در قم است و در مساجد. براي رسيدن به ازادي،بايد مذهبيون را دادگاهي كرد.بايد از اول قدم برداشت.بايد جنگيد.بايد احساسات عرب نمائي مذهبي را از بطن كار قلع و قمع كرد.بايد جمهوري ايران را به دور از غرب زدگي و عرب پرستي بر پا نهاد.بايد جنگيد.بايد از نو قدم برداشت.بايد خادمين عرب و نوكران غرب را از ايران بيرون كرد.

سكوت شما ننگ است.

بايد شير و خورشيد ايران باز گردد.ننگ بر فارس زبانان عرب چاكر و عرب دوست.

انتقام نزديك است.بايد جواب پس بدهند اناني كه ميتوانستند كاري كنند ولي نكردند.

مرگ بر شيوخ  راديكال اسلامي.مرگ بر نوكرانشان در ايران.در اروپا و كانادا و امريكا.
با هم غريبه نباشيم اي هموطن.باهم همساز شويم و متحد و عاشقانه براي ازادي ايران بجنگيم.


Shotor dar khab binad panbedaneh

by Ye Irani (not verified) on

These band-tommouni shahi soosools think that Iranian students will listen to them and start revolution all over again. You can feel desperation and wishful thinking in mst of the replies to this article.
OMG, mesleh aroos telephoni, inha mikhan az Los Angeles enghelaab rah bendazan :o)

You forgot chaagoo zanjooni :o)


Shady news of iranian students protests in western media

by shimimishi (not verified) on

isn't it HIGHLY suspicious that today the ONLY news about the student protests in Iran on the BIASED fox news was the one about a hundred of the pro-basiji students protesting in front of the Saudi Arabia embassy asking for more support for Palestine agaisnt Israel AND NOT EVEN A SINGLE WORD was said about the HUNDREDS of anti-regime students protesting against the islamic republic's oppression and crackdown on students in iran in many cities on students day when SO much was said and done??!!!

I just wonder had it been the Shah, and plans to overthrow him, this protest had been broadcasted all over the world and most probably the head of the student's movement would be on the cover of times ( remember how out of the blue khomeini became so popular?)....but now the plan is different. Its name is war, and its reason? They want to make it look like students in Iran do NOT protest against the government ( when they actually did and nobody broadcasted it ); they say the students ( the basiji's ) protest against Saudi Arabian embassy to back Palestine against Israel. Enough reason to justify the fact that a foreign intervention is needed to overthrow the mullahs....


now if only the US could keep out it's dirty hands...

by Q on

I applaud the Iranian students and their political activities. It is a good start, a native movement and one that will eventually be impossible to ignore. They will need to figure out a way to reach the rural poor base, otherwise in Tehran and "YouTube", they are just preaching to the choir. But still, very impressive.

However, it is not a coincidence that these demonstrations are escalating at this particular point in time. It is directly related to the defeat of the Neocons in the US and their forced retreat from their original plans to "bring democracy" to the Middle East.

It never fails. Whenever there is external threats of violence, all democratic movements self-censor for the sake of national unity.

I just hope US doesn't stick it's nose into the Iranian affairs again, so as to kill this movement too.


Student Protests have been a waste of time

by Jamshid Niavarani (not verified) on

They have not constructively lead to any change. As a matter of fact, it was these same student protests that brought President Ahmadinejad to power. It was these same student protests that made Larijani Speaker of parliament. It is clear as day, that all the students do is make the rest of the population miserable in Iran. the authorities will now become ruthless and confiscate everyones satellite dishes. And what will happen to the student leaders? they will leave Iran and go into exile. In exile, they will be granted asylum and get a free education. They will lead outside opposition groups that will not change a damn thing in Iran. It's all a scam to get out of Iran. Like a "get out of Jail card" in the monopoly game.

David ET

Many video clips can be seen here:

by David ET on

Darius Kadivar

Tribute too The Young and Brave

by Darius Kadivar on


Door to future

by Hedayat (not verified) on


Please pass students massage to everybody in Iran. Who knows computer well please send the massage, by every means that you know, to others. Anti-information minister censured 5 000 000 web sites; including U tube and other major informative sites.

What they do not understand is that the world is changed. The communication means are so varied, so complicated that no one can put censure any more on free information circulation.

I remember that after revolution, when you entered in Iran and you had 1 video cosset you have had to go to Anti-information ministry to have an authorization. But now how they want to do that. You can register 10 000 video cassette contents in 1 computer memory and bring it with you in Iran. They should put all Iran population to make working correctly the censure machine.

Please help break down for ever the censure machine. So that, in future, no dictator can think that, can survive 1 day with help of censure machine.

Look at this picture the 2 groups try to push a door. One part there is students. Other part is Bassijies. Bassijies are inside the University and students are out side. It seems that the door open to future, to history. It seems student wants to open the door to their future and bassijies want to prevent opening the door of future.

What is the deference of 2 groups? Nothing; the deference is between the information they have. They are all children of one country. They are all eventually from poor families. Only the bassiejies are kept in a cage and prohibited from free circulation of information.

After closure of all journals every Iranian became a journalist: A taxi driver has his own journal: He publishs every day his journal in the number of his customers. A barber does in the same manner. Students, teachers and others have their own journals. Also mothers in houses have their own journals: When they find a little time they call to friends or send a few Emails to recite how is passed at University at 17 Azar.

Once free information circulation established there will not be deference between us. Students, Bassijies, Solders, Passdarans, teachers, workers, women, men, adults, children old…; we will be all children of one country. The deference of view points will be solved by discussions; not by force and angriness.

When free information is established no Dictator can exist between us. We will be a free nation….

Please help pass the students massage to all Iranians. Send freedom massage to all Iranians….

Darius Kadivar

There Were Unrest and Protests in Shiraz

by Darius Kadivar on

Paymaneh Amiri

And from Amirkabir News Bulletin

by Paymaneh Amiri on

خبرنامه امیرکبیر: علیرغم حضور گسترده نیروهای امنیتی و لباس شخصی و پلیس ضدشورش از صبح امروز در تمامی خیابان های نزدیک به دانشگاه تهران، بسیاری از دانشجویان دانشگاه های مختلف کشور توانستند برای برزگداشت روز ۱۶ آذر در دانشگاه تهران حضور یابند.

دانشجویان در ساعت ۱۲ ظهر امروز با شکستن درب دانشگاه تهران توانستند وارد دانشگاه شده و در تجمع “دانشگاه، فریاد آزادی” شرکت کنند. از صبح امروز حراست دانشگاه تهران به کمک نیروهای امنیتی به طرز وحشیانه ای به ضرب و شتم دانشجویان پرداخته اند. بنابر گزارش ها تاکنون دانشجویان بسیاری مضروب شده اند که حال برخی از آنان وخیم است. حراست دانشگاه تهران با ضرب و شتم یکی از فعالین دانشجویی دانشگاه امیرکبیر، سر وی را به گیت های امنیتی کوبیده است که وی تاکنون بیهوش است. همچنین تعدادی از دانشجویان نیز در هنگام تلاش برای وارد شدن به دانشگاه تهران آسیب دیده اند.

پلیس ضدشورش همچنین با دانشجویانی که نتوانسته بودند وارد دانشگاه شوند و قصد حضور در پشت نرده های دانشگاه تهران را داشتند به شدت برخورد می کرد.

به گزارش خبرنامه امیرکبیر دانشجویانی که از دیگر دانشگاه ها وارد دانشگاه تهران شده بودند، با سر دادن شعارهایی نظیر “مرگ بر دیکتاتور” ، “نصر من الله و فتح قریب..ننگ بر این دولت مردم فریب”، “دانشجو،می میرد،ذلت نمی پذیرد” ، “محمود احمدی نژاد، عامل تبعیض و فساد” و خواندن سرود یاردبستانی به دانشجویان دانشگاه تهران در مقابل دانشکده پزشکی پیوستند. دانشجویان همچنین پلاکاردهایی در دست داشتند که بر روی آنها نوشته شده بود: ” با تهدید و احضار آرام نمی شویم” ، ” حقوق زنان، حقوق بشر” ، “آزادی پوشش حق ماست” و “دانشجو،دانشجو،اتحاد،اتحاد”.


Paymaneh Amiri

More unrest at other universities

by Paymaneh Amiri on

From Roozonline today:

به نوشته خبرنامه بوعلي سينا، روز گذشته جمعي از دانشجويان دانشگاه بوعلي همدان دردانشکده علوم پايه به مناسبت ‏روز دانشجو گرد آمدند که نيروهاي امنيتي استان همدان از گاز اشک آور استفاده کردند‏‎.‎‏ نيروهاي امنيتي پس از ‏شکست در پروژه ارعاب دانشجويان که از حدود يک هفته پيش آغاز شده بود و در مواجهه با گردهمايي هزاران نفري ‏دانشجويان،با استفاده از گاز اشک آور در محيط بسته دانشکده دانشجويان را وادار به خروج از دانشگاه کردند.‏

‏ اين منبع همچنين خبر داده است که "هم اکنون با وجود تخليه دانشکده علوم پايه از دانشجويان همچنان وضعيت امنيتي ‏در آن حکم فرما است". ‏
