Azadeh Azad
18-May-2011 (13 comments)
Cartoon: DSK >>>

Where is my Vote & Where is my Money?


Newest Top 1000 List For IRI Officials' Bank Accounts

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18-May-2011 (4 comments)

Now Even FarsNews Admits IRI's Economic Failiures

Power corrupts, and absolute power corrupts absolu

10 Indications The United States Is A Dictatorship

The intelligence Hub / Tzippe Barrow
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18-May-2011 (4 comments)

IRI's Wishes to Hijack Liberation Movements Died


Iran has been isolated by the Arab spring

guardian / Simon Tisdall
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To defend Arab Islam &IRI we will commit any Crime

roozonline / مهشید برومند
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18-May-2011 (one comment)

Boys get discovered as winter melts
Flowers competing for the sun

18-May-2011 (one comment)
Today in history >>>

يادداشت روز

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گزارش بانک جهانی


It Won't Be Easy

Islamic Republic will not go down as easily as Ben Ali's Tunisia, or Mubarak's Egypt

18-May-2011 (11 comments)
The most recent salvo in the cantankerous infighting habitual among the upper echelons of the Islamic Republic is now waged between Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, the beleaguered president, and the Speaker of the House Ali Larijani - concerning the integration of the two ministries of Mines and Metals and Heavy Industries. The verbal punches are public, for the whole world to behold. The Speaker of the House is one of three Larijani brothers: One runs the judiciary, one the legislative branch, and the other might be dreaming to become the next president>>>


پدیده‌ای به نام محمود احمدی‌نژاد

کمتر کسی می‌توانست پیش‌بینی کند که در فاصله دو سال او در برابر خامنه‌ای بایستد

18-May-2011 (12 comments)
برای یک موضع‌گیری مسئولانه و حساب شده باید پدیده احمدی‌نژاد را بهتر شناخت و شکاف بی‌سابقه‌ای را که حرکت او در ساختار جمهوری اسلامی وارد کرده ارزیابی کرد. احمدی‌نژاد نشان داده است که، به رغم فرهنگ خرافی و اندیشه‌های امام زمانیش، سیاستمدار عامه‌گرا (پوپولیست) ماهری است. سیاست اتمی و ضد غربی او حتا برخی از ملی‌گرایان (افراطی) را به تحسین واداشته است، و سخنرانی‌های عوام‌فریبانه او هنوز می‌تواند عده زیادی از مردم را به خود جلب کند>>>


Crushing Democracy

1953 coup overthrew burgeoning Iranian democracy

18-May-2011 (35 comments)
The long term effect of the removal of Mossadeq was the Islamic Revolution of 1979. While the American public viewed the revolution as a spontaneous and unjustified act of defiance, for the people of Iran it was anything but. The revolution was the culmination of the previous twenty-five years of complete social and political repression of the Iranian people under the Shah. With the money and complicit approval of the United States, Mohammad Reza Shah sharply centralized political power beneath him>>>