The Saudis have woke up!

Farhad Kashani

Saudi FM Calls for Unity in Face of 'Iranian Challenge'

recommended by Farhad Kashani

no peace, no reconciliation

Farhad Kashani

Iranian leader says Mideast peace efforts are doomed to fail

LA Times
recommended by Farhad Kashani
04-Mar-2009 (5 comments)


The best way

Iranian people cannot tolerate any more of such ill-driven policies

04-Mar-2009 (112 comments)
We would like to congratulate you on your becoming the 44th President of the United States of America as such historic event of unprecedented proportion has now transpired. In your inaugural address, you eluded to extending a dialogue with Iran. Most Americans including many in the Iranian-American Community of nearly a million strong keenly welcome this noble idea. It is, therefore, in the spirit of supporting your bold leadership to reinvigorate the American credibility worldwide, including the Near East, albeit Iran, that we the undersigned scholars would take the opportunity a few key suggestions that we believe when implemented in our rapprochement should mutually benefit both nations:>>>

Who is next? Pakistan or Iran????


Pakistan poses global security worry, says top US official

Guardian UK / Julian Borger
recommended by capt_ayhab

Meet and Greet Hillary


Iran a recurring theme in Clinton's Mideast trip

IHT / Mark Landler
recommended by capt_ayhab
04-Mar-2009 (7 comments)

Half Justice for Iranian Women

Anonymous Observer

Blinded Iranian seeks eye-for-eye justice

Associated Press Reported By Comcast News
recommended by Anonymous Observer
04-Mar-2009 (4 comments)


If Picasso could cook

“El Willy” – French Quarter, Shanghai

04-Mar-2009 (3 comments)
Taxi drivers seem reluctant to make the 15 minute journey from the Nanjing business district to the infamous French Concession area of Shanghai where our destination ‘El Willy’ is discreetly tucked away. On arrival, we walk towards the faint glare of candle lit lanterns which become brighter and more visible as we approach. And then, all of a sudden, a very different Shanghai exposes itself to us. One that immediately makes you forget which corner of the earth you are in… Goodbye Shanghai, hello Europe! We arrive at the restaurant owned by Chef Patron Guillermo Tullera Moreno (hailing from Barcelona, Spain), affectionately known as “Willy”, after which he named his first restaurant>>>

Secret memos: Bush post 9/11

rosie is roxy is roshan

How close the Bush bullet

consortium news / robert parry
04-Mar-2009 (8 comments)


Moral Victory

Shirin Ebadi's struggle in defense of human rights

04-Mar-2009 (3 comments)
30 years ago, Dr. Shirin Ebadi, the first female judge in Iranian history, was removed from her post when religious authorities in Iran declared that all women serving in the country as judges were “unfit” to perform their duties. She was then immediately demoted to a position as administrative clerk in the courtroom where she once presided. Dr. Ebadi was hit then by the inequities of women’s rights and inequality in Iran, but she did not let that stop her. During a time marked by political and religious upheaval, Shirin Ebadi found her path and continued her journey by becoming a human rights advocate and attorney serving the public as she helped those who looked to her to provide counsel on the interpretation of rights under Iranian law>>>

Iran Ready to Talk Nukes


Iran envoy says fair nuclear talks will win breakthrough

Reuters UK / Sylvia Westall and Mark Heinrich
recommended by capt_ayhab
04-Mar-2009 (one comment)


سركوب نواندیشان

تبلیغات حكومتی علیه نواندیشان دینی

04-Mar-2009 (7 comments)
كم نیستند شیعیان اندیشمندی كه صرفا به دلیل این كه قرائت دیگری از مذهب ارائه كرده‌اند مورد خشم و غضب مقامات حاكم قرار گرفته‌اند و حتا با خطر اعدام مواجه شده‌اند. در سال‌های اخیر كه یك قرائت قشری امام زمانی بر حكومت مسلط شده، دامنه این تعقیب‌ها و فشارها گسترش یافته است. از جمله، در روزهای اخیر سخنان هاشم آغاجری و محمد مجتهد شبستری باعث آن شده كه غوغاگران باز داد وا اسلاما سر دهند و چماق تكفیر و ارتداد را بر سر آنان بكوبند. یك بار آغاجری در گذشته به دلیل ابراز اندیشه‌هایش تا مرز خطر اعدام پیش رفته بود. اكنون نیز نباید این غوغاها را دست كم گرفت، و باید از آزادی‌ اندیشه در قالب‌های مذهبی‌ نیز، هم چون آزادی اندیشه در كل، دفاع كرد.>>>


 مرگ و زندگی

در شعر پروین و فروغ...

04-Mar-2009 (9 comments)
این نوشته مقایسه ایست بین چند شعر از پروین اعتصامی (۱۹٠۷ – ۱۹۴۱) و فروغ فرّخ زاد ( ۱۹۳۵- ۱۹۶۷) در بارۀ مرگ و زندگی. پروین و فروغ دو شاعر زن ایرانی هستند که اوّلی حدود ربع قرن زودتر از دوّمی می زیسته است. یعنی فروغ ۶ ساله بوده که پروین از این محنت گاه جان بدر می کند. ولی همین ربع قرن فاصله ، تحوّلاتی در اشعار فروغ بوجود آورده که آن را از جمیع جهات از شعر پروین متمایز و متفاوت کرده است. در زیر به این تفاوتها از دریچۀ چشم و برخورد آن دو به مرگ و زندگی می پردازیم. به این شعر از فروغ توجّه کنید:>>>


Darius Kadivar

Tehran steps into the Ottoman role of Middle East regional power.

Forbes / Melik Kaylan
recommended by Darius Kadivar
04-Mar-2009 (2 comments)

really? when are they doing you?

News Goffer

Iran Plans War Crimes Trials for Israelis

The New York Times / Robert Mackey
recommended by News Goffer
04-Mar-2009 (3 comments)