شیر آزادی

کو و کجا تا شخصی با این شجاعت برخیزد و از شجاعت او خلقی بهره مند شوند؟

11-Mar-2008 (9 comments)
مرحوم احمد بورقانی که البته من توفیق اندکی در هم صحبتی با ایشان داشتم اما با کارها و زحمت ها و خدمت های او آشنایی داشتم. به خصوص از وقتی که گشایش پس از انسدادی در جامعه ما رخ داد و مردم با آرای خود مردی را بر مصدر ریاست جمهوری نشاندند که از او توقعات بلند و بزرگی داشتند، علی الخصوص برداشتن قدم هایی استوار در راه آزادی و ایجاد جامعه مدنی. وعده های بزرگی هم از او شنیدند. ملموس ترین و دیدنی ترین بهره و بخش آن وعده ها، آزادی مطبوعات و مطبوعات آزاد بود. البته وزارت ارشاد در این امر مسیولیت اول و اهم و احسن را داشت. مرحوم بورقانی چنان چه همه ما اینک می دانیم به سمت معاون وزیر در امور مطبوعات در آن وزارت خانه مشغول به کار شد و آن چه که ما از جنس شکوفایی مطبوعات در دوران ریاست جمهوری آقای خاتمی می دانیم تا حدود بسیار زیادی مرهون دلیری های این از دست رفته عزیز است.>>>


My hero in the dark

My father took me every Thursday night to the only movie theater of the town

11-Mar-2008 (13 comments)
We lived in a small town in Mazandaran and my father was respected and well known. He was a busy man and I, as a little girl, craved to spend more time with him. My father took me every Thursday night to the only movie theater of the town. Our family had its own special reserved seats. Row nine, seats 10 to 14. Every time we drove down the main street, I looked for that place. The brown brick building with an orange fluorescent sign at its side. I would stare at the letters forming the word “Cinema.” I could find it from afar, could recognize its shape, and I envied anyone standing in the black line waiting to buy a ticket. I would gaze at the colorful posters of actors and picture their adventures in my daydreams>>>


رئيس جمهور «حسين»؟

نژاد، جنسيت، مذهب يا برنامهء عمل برای فردای آمريکا

11-Mar-2008 (10 comments)
آقای «باراک حسين اوباما» مطابق رسم آمريکائی ها، هيچگاه نام وسط خود، «حسين»، را بکار نمی برد، هرچند که در کتابی که دربارهء زندگی و افکارش منتشر کرده بود فشرده ای از گذشته و مکنونات خود را بيان داشته است... مردم آمريکا، طی جريانی کاملاً بی ربط با آقای اوباما، اين اسم را شناخته و نسبت به آن پيشزمينهء ذهنی بشدت منفی دارند. در واقع، طی سال هائی چند، رسانه ها و دستگاه های تبليغاتی آمريکا کوشيده اند تا نام «حسين» (در ارتباط با «صدام حسين») را در افکار عمومی مردم آمريکا با مفاهيمی چون ديکتاتوری، سرکوبگری، ماجراجوئی، تروريسم و مخالفت با دموکراسی و حقوق بشر و نظاير آن يکی کنند. و اکنون مردی پيدا شده است که مردم آمريکا رفته رفته کشف می کنند که «حسين» نام دارد و می خواهد رئيس جمهور آنها باشد.>>>
11-Mar-2008 (3 comments)

"Self Explanatory".

Darius Kadivar
11-Mar-2008 (23 comments)
VOA Coverage and Interview of former Crown Prince Reza Pahlavi greeted by members of French Parliament>>>
Ali P.
10-Mar-2008 (5 comments)
It was about time >>>
10-Mar-2008 (3 comments)
She's one of the most elegant and classy Persian singer. >>>
10-Mar-2008 (5 comments)

Click on the link below to read and ponder!



We live in a different age

A superficial sketch of my thoughts

10-Mar-2008 (2 comments)
We cannot judge the past from the standards of the present. Everyone will willingly admit this. But every one will not admit the equally absurd habit of judging the present by the standards of the past. The various religions have especially helped in petrifying old beliefs and faiths and customs, which may have had some use in the age and country of their birth, but which are singularly unsuitable in our present age. The past brings us many gifts; indeed, all that we have today of culture, civilization, science, or knowledge of some aspects of the truth, is a gift of the distant or recent past to us. It is right that we acknowledge our obligation to the past>>>


Ladies first

Significant women in Iranian and regional history

10-Mar-2008 (12 comments)
1350 - 1300 BC. Politically Influential Queen Napir Asu, Elam, Khuzistan: Wife of King Untash-Napirasha who built many great buildings and temples in the area including, the Choga Zanbil near Sush (Susa). Her well preserved and headless status was discovered at Susa and is currently at the Louvre Museum in Paris. She is dressed in the same outfit as the Elamite goddess Pinikir and very likely served and represented this divinity at the temple of Ninhursag where she was discovered>>>
10-Mar-2008 (4 comments)
On this day 10th of March 1990 Farzad Bazoft a journalist for the UK The observer newspaper was sentenced to death by one of Saddam Hussein's Baghdad court >>>


The truth in black & white

Kaveh Golestan's best work in a book

10-Mar-2008 (one comment)
The real breakthrough in Kaveh Golestan’s career as an independent photojournalist occurred during Iran’s 1979 revolution. He was honoured with the Robert Capa Gold Medal in 1979 for his coverage of the Islamic Revolution. His photographs from Ruhollah Khomeini’s arrival in Iran in late January 1979 and first public appearances at the Alavi school in Tehran were published in Time magazine. In the summer of 1979, he travelled to Kurdistan, West Azerbaijan, Khuzestan and Turkmen Sahra in the province of Khorasan and documented the first deadly confrontations between Kurds and Turkmens and the recently established armed forces of the Islamic regime>>>
10-Mar-2008 (9 comments)
This morning, Omid, the famous Iranian pop singer was on the Iranian radio of LA (670am)>>>
This is pretty funny report >>>


Funny Persian

Video clips from Maz Jobrani's stand-up performance

10-Mar-2008 (14 comments)