02-Mar-2008 (6 comments)
A look at the anti-Iranian candidates, ie who NOT to vote for, in the american presidential election. >>>
Honest Hassan
02-Mar-2008 (3 comments)

You finally get your way

Mona 19
O friend, give up thy self that thou mayest find the Peerless One, pass by this mortal earth that thou mayest seek a home in the nest of heaven. >>>


Being Afraid of Death

Can we learn anything from giving thoughtful consideration to our own death?

02-Mar-2008 (6 comments)
The premature death of one of my former students, reminded me of my own eventual mortality. Death is the most mysterious, certain event (not counting taxes, of course) in everybody’s life, albeit the most undesirable. Just as we utilize every conceivable scheme, legal and sometimes not, to minimize the payment of taxes, we also resort to numerous means, including unconventional ones, to postpone our physical demise. We follow a strict diet programs, exercise on a regular basis, take our daily vitamins and food supplements, avoid risky activities, and try not to miss preventive medical check-ups. When we get older, we do foolish things to pretend that we are still young, easygoing, and energetic>>>
02-Mar-2008 (16 comments)

1- His visit was announced month ahead unlike Bush’s visits that are top secret.

2- His visit has been the first visit after fall of Saddam that was regarded with full official reception



What should we talk about?

Tying improved relations to Iranian respect for human rights

02-Mar-2008 (119 comments)
The human rights situation in Iran is getting drastically worse. Amnesty International and Human Rights Watch report that executions in Iran - including instances of stoning - have sharply increased under in the last few years. In addition, using the Bush administration's Iran Democracy Fund as a pretext, Iranian authorities have clamped down on Iran's civil society with thousands of arrests. As Washington’s foreign policy elite is concluding that negotiations with Tehran lie in America’s strategic interest, it is also important to recognize that it lies in the US’s long-term interest to make any improvements in relations with Iran contingent upon Tehran’s adherence to the UN human rights deceleration.>>>


Bold & beautiful

Bold & beautiful

Photo essay: Iranian fashion show near San Francisco

by Jahanshah Javid
02-Mar-2008 (40 comments)


02-Mar-2008 (one comment)

A must watch video about what they're trying to say



Paused moments

Paused moments

Photo essay

by Parviz Forghani
01-Mar-2008 (14 comments)



Money beats history

Boeing tries to get into the business of rewriting maps

01-Mar-2008 (15 comments)
This is an article I found on Boeing’s monthly employee newsletter in praise of their presence in Saudi Arabia. In of itself it is no more than a propaganda piece to appease their minuscule investment in the Arabian Peninsula. But what struck me odd was the fact that the author had mentioned “Arabian Gulf” in place of the “Persian Gulf”. This is a clear violation of the UN charter and I protested this act in a letter to the editor, author and a senior VP of the Boeing Company. Needless to say I have not heard back from any one>>>
SCE Campaign
01-Mar-2008 (6 comments)
Rights lawyer Mohammad Mostafaei: child executions violates international conventions and in direct violation of Iran's laws >>>


ترس آفرينی

تاريخ ترس محتسب خورده

01-Mar-2008 (7 comments)
انتخابات دورهء نهم رياست جمهوری را می توان آغاز دورانی دانست که حکومت اسلامی مستقر در ايران به انتهای ديگر «مدرج حقانيت» می رسد و ديگر چيزی از حقانيت آن باقی نمی ماند و، بنا بر قوانين خلل ناپذير علم، از آن پس چاره ای ندارد تا، برای باقی ماندن بر سرير قدرت، راه سرکوب تمام عيار را در پيش گيرد. البته، از همان ابتدای تشکيل حکومت اسلامی، سرکوب جرء ذاتی سياست های اجتماعی اين حکومت بود، اما اگر در ابتدا می توانست اين سرکوب را متوجه آنها که «طاغوتی» و «استکباری» و «ضد انقلاب» خوانده می شدند نمايد، در طی زمان دامنهء اين سرکوب گسترده تر شد و، پس از پايان دورهء موسوم به «اصلاحات»، همهء جامعه را فرا گرفت. اکنون روزی نيست که خبری از اعدام و سنگسار و دست و پا بريدن و از کوه پائين انداختن نباشد.>>>
01-Mar-2008 (3 comments)
New Statesman, World Affairs: Kurds are Iranian, natural brothers by race and language roots to Persians >>>
01-Mar-2008 (9 comments)

This video make me to rethink about values in life.



Gates are Falling

Those that are lucky hear the gate chimes

01-Mar-2008 (one comment)
Early morning calls are bad news for most
I have been there too, I HAVE been most
But today, you see I receive a call
Frantic and hurried, deserving a big toast
How do I tell you of my fluttering chest?
To be composed through this, to be at my best?
How do I let the world know I’m soaring?