03-Dec-2007 (14 comments)
No more credit>>>


The very last straw

News & excerpt from "Sons and other Flammable Objects"

Another in the long line of misunderstandings in their shared history, what caused Xerxes and Darius Adam to vow never to speak again, really began with a misplaced anecdote, specifically an incident that happened many years before in the summer of Xerxes's twelfth year, known always in the Adam household as "the summer when Darius Adam began terrorizing, the neighbors' cats," known privately to Xerxes's future self as "the summer in which I realized something was very wrong with my father, something that would cause us to never have a normal father-son bond-the summer, years later, accidentally triggering the very last straw that would cause us to never communicate again." Ever? "Well, wishful thinking, for starters.">>>


The Story of the Men of Sialk Hills

From my new e-book "Men from Various Civilizations"

The Sialk Hills civilization had many members. One of these was a man who played the tar and loved his profession very much. This man’s house was located on the western side of the hill. To the right of it was the house of a bearded man. And to the left of his house lived a man who shaved his beard. They were not friends, but they always greeted each other when they met on the street. The tar player had a girlfriend who always reminded him that she was a decent girl. The tar player knew that she was a decent girl, too. That is why he had decided to marry her one of these days>>>


Try gratitude

True gratefulness comes from a conscious decision to recognize and acknowledge one’s blessing

03-Dec-2007 (6 comments)
It was disheartening to read Curious Joe’s, "Don’t Immigrate to the US". I have felt sad for him since reading of his regret about immigrating to this country. Like Joe, my mother moved to the United States several years before Iran’s revolution. Perhaps, if there had never been a revolution she would have returned to the country she has always loved first and foremost, but since there was a revolution, we can never know for sure what she might have done. One thing that is for certain is that I have never heard my mother utter a word of regret about her decision to come here, originally as a student, or her decision to remain here and make this country her home>>>
Darius Kadivar
French Original Version of Satrapi's Coming Out on DVD>>>
Darius Kadivar
03-Dec-2007 (3 comments)
French Bio Epics Persepolis and “La Mome” at European Oscars>>>
03-Dec-2007 (one comment)
On the "Pending" Execution Of "Ali Mahin Torabi". >>>
03-Dec-2007 (9 comments)
کمیته نظارت بر انتخابات ونزوئلا اعلام کرد که براساس نتیجه شمارش آرا در همه پرسی روز یکشنبه، پیشنهادهای هوگو چاوز، رئیس جمهور، با اکثریت آرا رد شده است.

SCE Campaign
Sold into prostitution aged nine, condemned by an Iranian judge to hang at 18, Leila was saved by a group of human rights activists. >>>


Genesis' days

Translation of Hafez #145

When my beloved takes a goblet,
Even the clerics want to rob it.

Crying, I'm at the feet of her.
She only asks, "What shoes should I wear?"

With a fish's mind I dreamt of the sea
So my love might try catching me.


Bacheh enghelaabi

Bacheh enghelaabi

Photo essay: Child of the revolution

by Jahanshah Javid
02-Dec-2007 (156 comments)



چرا سکولاريسم بايد نو شود؟

براستی «آزادی» چگونه ممکن خواهد بود اگر ساختمان آن بر شالودهء «سکولاريسم نو» گذاشته نشده باشد؟

02-Dec-2007 (5 comments)
اين روزها من به يکی از آرزوهای مختصرم رسيده و توانسته ام، با براه اندازی يک پايگاه اينترنتی به نام «سکولاريسم نو»، مکانی را در جهان مجازی اينترنت بوجود آورم که بتوان در آن هرآنچه را انديشمندان ما دربارهء سکولاريسم نوشته اند گردآوری کرد، محل رجوعی در اين مورد خاص بوجود آورد و، بر مبنای تراوشات ذهنی آنان که در راه روشنگری جامعهء عقب افتاده ما و يا در راستای افزودن بر تاريکی های انديشگی آن قلم می زنند و سخن می گويند، به بحث و گفتگوئی جدی دربارهء «سکولاريسم» نشست >>>


محمد مختاری در امریکا

"میراث غفلت , ای سرزمین من !"

" چشم مون روشن" را شنیده بودم اما"گوشمون روشن" را اولین بار بود می شنیدم. محمد مختاری اَنسوی خط تلفن بود، حال و احوالی کردیم و بعد ازیاد اَوری خاطراتی دور ، در باره ی سفرش به امریکا و اروپا گپ زدیم. چند باری دیده بودمش ، در دفتر کانون نویسندگان در خیابان مشتاق، در انتشارات توس و خانه ی یکی از رفقای سازمانی. با سازمان جدا شده از سازمان فدائیان اکثریت که به "۱۶اَذری "ها شناخته می شدیم در زمینه های فرهنگی همکاری ای جانبی داشت.>>>


A teddy bear named Mohammad

Is there any relation between the teddy bear and Annapolis?

02-Dec-2007 (7 comments)
Islamists have become good at their own kind of PR. Every once in a while they find something to raise hell over and threaten the world. The charade over Cartoons of Mohammad is still lingering on in the Media, now they have started another bizarre show of offended feelings and indignant masses over a teddy bear called Mohammad in a Sudan’s class room of 7-8 year old kids. The timing of this teddy bear show puzzles me greatly. Is the concurrent teddy bear saga and Annapolis conference merely a coincidence or does the timing tell us something?>>>
Orang Gholikhani
02-Dec-2007 (4 comments)
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