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10-Nov-2007 (one comment)
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چقدر – ظلمت را
پاداش آسمانی دانستیم


One more today
10-Nov-2007 (4 comments)
And sometimes we sit
thinking as others shuffle in
order coffee
chat about the election
and shuffle out
and sometimes we sit
just to get out and feel
somewhat un-alone >>>
Bahman Mahmoudi
10-Nov-2007 (one comment)
My little miniature long hair dachshund was getting excited with the sound of thunder and was jumping up and down my bed >>>


آيا بابک خرمدين مال من هم هست؟

آنان که براستی تنوع ملت ايران را تحمل نمی کنند همين تجزيه طلبانند

10-Nov-2007 (40 comments)
من می گويم هرکس که «می خواهد» جزو «ملت ايران» باشد نمی تواند شهريار شاعر و کورش پادشاه را از «هويت ملی» خود بزدايد و يا، بر عکس، هر کس بخواهد اين ها را از هويت ملی خود طرد کند ديگر ايرانی نيست و بايد برای مليت خودش فکری بکند و، تا زمانی که نتوانسته است تکه ای از خاک ايران را برای خودش «مستقل» کند، برود و به يک جائی از اين عالم آويزان شود تا از دست «فارس های خونخوار!» در امان بماند. >>>
Jahanshah Rashidian
10-Nov-2007 (18 comments)
Oil sanctions, instead of military or economic sanctions, can be a new weapon >>>
10-Nov-2007 (37 comments)
The US military might can knock out Iran's defences too easily. >>>
09-Nov-2007 (7 comments)
As the confrontation between Iran and the United States escalates, will either country find a way to move back from the brink? >>>
09-Nov-2007 (7 comments)
I am curious to know if an authoritative study has been conducted on the emigre generation of Iranians >>>
SCE Campaign
Reports of Afghan minors being sentenced to death for drug smuggling and the forced expulsion of refugees... >>>
09-Nov-2007 (one comment)
Addiction Help Needed >>>


Loving land

Loving land

Photo essay: Sanandaj

by Kures Anbari
09-Nov-2007 (12 comments)


09-Nov-2007 (3 comments)
Farzad Hasani, a TV presenter in Iran did what very few would dare to do! >>>


Dirty business

Excerpt from "A Path To Nowhere"

09-Nov-2007 (one comment)
I was spending my third night at the front line. I had already received a Klashinkov rifle with a magazine that could hold thirty cartridges and a few blankets to sleep in as Neekvarz had promised. That night it was cold and foggy. A storm was blowing from northwest raising sand and dust; making the air dark. Apprehensive about my sentries, I had visited all of them twice earlier at night either in Karamee‚s company or on my own. All of them were awake and vigilant; everything seemed normal except the storm that was lashing across the plain and the hill.>>>
Darius Kadivar
09-Nov-2007 (6 comments)
This Month's Playboy November issue has drawn attention for its cover featuring Juliette Binoche. The French Star who will be playing in Iranian Abbas Kiarostami's upcoming film "Certified Copy">>>