Orang Gholikhani
19-Sep-2008 (5 comments)
الفبا >>>
19-Sep-2008 (35 comments)
Our dear President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad will be in the U.S. to attend the U.N. General Assembly meeting. Unfortunately, our great leader will be greeted by Jewish protesters with banners bearing the slogan: "Stop Iran. Now." and worse. >>>

Lovers of Truth & Justice Should Arise Against...

Fars News / مهدي نائيني
recommended by faryarm
19-Sep-2008 (5 comments)
Video of Barack Obama outlining the major points of his economic plan. >>>

Islamophobia not selling very well any more


Confrontation over German mosque

recommended by Q
19-Sep-2008 (18 comments)
19-Sep-2008 (one comment)
وزارت ارشاد به دلايل زير شعر 'اتل متل توتوله' را غير مجاز اعلام کرد >>>
19-Sep-2008 (2 comments)
Friendly reminder to Sara >>>
Nice audio dubbing, Nice Joke >>>


Mother of all troubles

Why do you think the U.S. is establishing permanent bases in the region?

19-Sep-2008 (2 comments)
After the production of oil as a cheaper and commercial source for producing light started by drilling wells in North America during 1800’s, oil quickly grew to become one of the most important issues in the internal affairs of most nations as well as international relations. Later, discovery of electric power to produce light in United States forced the oil industry to look for other areas of consumption while drive for finding new oil resources had taken over the whole nation. Invention of gas burning engine to run a vehicle solved the most important problem which oil industry was facing in its toddler years and made it possible for this industry to continue growing in more rapid manner and generate more profit for the owners. This meant heavy competition and rivalry in the capitalist world>>>
Manoucher Avaznia
19-Sep-2008 (7 comments)
TO THE FRONT: We had already spent a week at the headquarters when we were assigned to different regiments and battalions. Some of us were to go to Sumar the same day; but most of us were quota of the battalions stationed in the south. >>>
There is news circulating that at this week’s Friday Prayers in Tehran, the prayerful crowd will be asked to take part in a pop quiz in the form of a petition >>>



احساس می کردم باری از دوشم برداشته شده بود و سبک شده بودم

19-Sep-2008 (8 comments)
راجع به مرده‌شور و مرده‌شورخانه از بچگی زیاد شنیده بودم. انواع و اقسام نفرین‌ها در ارتباط با این محل مثل: مرده شورتو ببرن! الهی رو سنگ مرده‌شورخونه ببینتم! الهی خودم مرده‌تو بشورم! مرده شوووور!... ولی هیچ وقت وصال دیدن این محل خوشبختانه نصیبم نشده بود و حالا میدیدم. همون سنگ معروف را که مرده را روش میزارن و میشورن را حالا میدیدم . خلاصه بابا را گذاشتن روی اون سکوی سنگی. ظاهرا همراهان میّت اجازه دارند در محل حظور داشته و ناظر مراسم باشند (البته غیرازخانم‌ها در بخش مردان و بالعکس). هیچوقت در عمرم مرده ندیده بودم. اصلاً دل دیدن یک چنین صحنه‌هایی را ندارم و هیچوقت فکر نمی‌کردم بتونم چنین صحنه‌ای را ببینم و بایستم به تماشا.>>>
Enki Catena
Dreaming of a perfect sun rise >>>
SCE Campaign
Nazanin: "The government of Iran cannot on the one hand expect the international community to trust its leaders with nuclear energy while it openly disregards the most basic internationally recognized child rights conventions >>>